Wednesday 16 October 2019

How to Speed Up Your Social Media Growth with BRSM

Whether it’s a small local shop or a big corporation, every business needs to use social media for fast growth and lead generation. Social media is not just cost- effective but it’s also a perfect launch-pad for businesses to create awareness about their brands, popularize their products and boost their sales.

If you are a small business with a limited marketing budget, using social media can offer a good return on investment. Platforms like Facebook, Youtube and Instagram have turned into hangouts for customers you’re trying to connect with and engage.

Here are some key social media statistics you should know:

  • 59% of people access social media on a daily basis.
  • People aged 18-34 are most likely to follow a brand via social networking.
  • 63% of customers expect to receive customer service via social media.
  • On average, one internet user has 7-8 social media accounts.

There are many more statistics like these, all pointing to one fact: Having a business presence on social media is a must. 

And according to PewInternet, all social media platforms are NOT created equally. Throught the chart below you will see how Facebook and YouTube have some massive growth and usage amongst adults, but the other small platforms also have some nice reach of their own as well.

Picking those social media channels where your customers are and then connecting with them in an engaging way can make it easy for you to grow your business and boost your leads and sales. Thankfully, there are many services that you can use to quickly expand your social media reach over a short period of time.

One such service is BRSM.IO, which is focused on the art of delivering new followers, likes, shares, and subscribers to your social profiles. Their platform can also be used as a source of reference for where you can get all the expert marketing help you need to materialize your social media efforts rapidly.

BRSM – Your Ticket to Social Media Marketing Success

BRSM is headed by a group of savvy social media marketing professionals. Whether you are planning to build your company’s presence on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube, this service can offer remarkable results.

Over the last five years, social media has seen a tremendous growth. Likewise, the number of businesses using various social media platforms has also gone up quite rapidly. Today, 70% – 80% of small businesses use social media, which, in turn, has created a good amount of competition. Moreover, many social media platforms have made drastic changes to their algorithm which determines how content will be ranked and presented in people’s newsfeeds. All of this together have made it difficult for entrepreneurs and startups to achieve faster growth and reach for their products on social media. And that’s exactly where BRSM comes into play. BRSM is an ideal online service which offers innovative and unique social boosting solutions for multiple popular social media platforms.

You’ve definitely heard about word of mouth advertising. Think of social media as ‘word of mouth on steroids’. However, your success on any social media platform depends on how active and engaged your account is, which is only possible when you have a good number of followers and fans. It’s easy to attract more customers to your account when you already have an engaged account. When people see that others have followed and engaged with your brand, they too will do the same. Using BRSM, you can grow your social media accounts quite faster and get thousands of real people to like and follow your page over a short period of time — such as getting more brand mentions on Instagram.

BRSM has worked with a variety of small and big businesses and helped them gain an online presence. While the agency offers real results from real marketing, they also keep each of their clients up to date with all the key developments in the field of social media marketing. If there are changes in a social media platform’s algorithm or its policies, you’ll be the first to know it.

Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms

Once you are ready to leverage the potential of social media marketing, your next challenge is to pick the most suitable platforms for your business. The social media scene has changed a lot.

Today, simply starting a Facebook page and setting up a Twitter profile aren’t enough. Apart from these, you have Instagram which is a social media phenomenon in itself. If you are planning to create video content, Youtube is where you need to be.

But you can’t focus on too many platforms at a time. You need to be practical and targeted in your approach. You need to devote time to only those social platforms where your customers hang out in large numbers.

To be able to find out which social networks are the best for your business, you should clearly understand who your ideal customer is. At the same time, you need to think about the goals you want to fulfill. Based on these, you can identify which social media platforms can give you the best return.

Each social media platform is different in how it needs approaching. Facebook, for example, is the biggest social network at present and it’s the most suited for building a thriving community of followers. Facebook is also a good fit for all those businesses that want to promote local events. Being a video-sharing platform, Youtube is a platform where how-to tutorials resonate the best. If you have a visual brand and want to build connections on a personal level, Instagram is the way to go. If you have a knack for creativity, you can develop a deeper bond with your customers on Instagram and turn your account into an engagement goldmine.

How BRSM Works and Brings You New Social Followers

The process of growing your social media account using BRSM.IO is a fast and smooth one. Whether you plan to gain a significant following on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube or SoundCloud, BRSM makes it easy for everyone. Their website features a number of packages that you can choose from as per your specific budget and needs. Find the packages that suit your business best and then enter the URL and other details so that the order can be processed.

Next, you’ll be assigned an account manager who will keep you up-to-date with the progress of your project. Experts at BRSM will develop a well-structured campaign and plan out every step in detail. The campaign optimization can take up to 48 hours. But as soon as everything has been set up, you’ll receive an email that you campaign is ready for implementation.

Social media experts will constantly work on your orders and the orders will be delivered as per the deadline in your service packages. 

The social marketing service by BRSM comes with a 100% money back guarantee. The list of clients who have chosen BRSM to boost their social media marketing is quite long and includes thousands of actors, models, public figures, musicians, entrepreneurs, small business owners along with various corporations. Due to their high quality service and outstanding results, BRSM has been proudly featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Mashable etc.

Go Ahead – and Get Social!

When it comes to social media engagement and branding, the more reach you have, the more engagement and ROI you are doing to see, right? Well… as long as those followers and subscribers are real and have an actual interest in what you have to offer, that should be the case.

If you are going to use any of the latest technology, tools, and solutions to help with your outreach, growth and content automation, be sure to choose one that leverages latest technology, uses proven organic marketing tactics and offers multiple geo-targeting options to help you quickly gain thousands of authentic followers, subscribers and viewers.

Be sure to implement all of the recommended tips, solutions, and methods laid out in this branding and outreach resource to grow your social media marketing efforts and ROI today.

The post How to Speed Up Your Social Media Growth with BRSM appeared first on Zac Johnson.



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