Wednesday 5 June 2019

Do THIS to create a niche site worth 5 figures

 it is possible to reach your goal.

Today, I’m going to show you how to drastically increase your chances of hitting your goal (and give you one exercise to work on over the weekend).

I am proof that YOU can create a niche site that gives you freedom.

I’m just a normal guy that used to have a job that I didn’t like.

I wanted to make some extra money on the side to pay off some debt and student loans. Maybe get a newer, used car to replace the 10 year old beater that I was driving.

I doubted myself...I was anxious about money and stressed out. (sound familiar?)

I’d never even heard of a niche site...or WordPress. I failed a few times with poor keyword research and even bad link building.

Over the last few days, we’ve learned something important...

If you set things up correctly and avoid the big mistakes, you can do it.

It’s just like renovating your kitchen - you need to have a plan in place. You can’t just start ripping out cabinets and sinks and expect to have a great kitchen.

On Monday, I told you about 3 mistakes that I’ve made and the most common ones that niche site owners make too.

Here’s a recap…

Mistake 1: Not Knowing What To Work On
You have limited time so you need to know the most effective things to do. You do NOT want to waste your time looking up blog posts trying to “figure out what to do next”. If you are “flying blind” or “winging it”, it’s a sure path to failure.

Mistake 2: Picking A POOR Niche
Picking the wrong niche can be a HUGE disappointment. The real deal is that means you’ll be doing a whole lot of work and you’ll never get a payoff. We all want to make the web a better place and provide value, but you also NEED to generate revenue for your efforts.

Mistake 3: Doing the Wrong Things to Get Traffic

If you manage to pick a great PROFITABLE niche, you still need to get traffic. The best traffic is free, organic traffic from Google. It’s targeted and the visitors are PRIMED to buy products. But if you have a great site and no one reads it, then it’s all a waste.

A lot of people believe (and I’ve heard from a lot of you) that you have to get lucky or that you need to have the perfect niche to start a niche site that gives you the freedom you want and deserve.

Then, we make excuses…

Maybe I just don’t have what it takes...
Maybe my idea is just bad...
Maybe other people are just smarter than me...

That’s all wrong.

Instead, I found that creating a profitable Amazon Affiliate niche site is the way to reach your #1 goal.

It’ll give you freedom with your time, so you can stop trading your time for money.

You’ll have more freedom with your money. You can pay off debt, student loans, or supplement and diversify your retirement income.

Want to have more spare income?

Start a Niche Site

Want to have more control over your future (instead of your boss dictating it to you)? Create a niche site.

Want to make more money so you can do work that you enjoy (where you’re the boss)?  Take a guess...

Create a niche site.

Now let me SHOW you why you need a niche site is the best way to get started online. And how an Amazon Affiliate Niche Site will help you reach your #1 goal.

Meet Dave. He’s a musician - drummer and guitarist.
Dave had a goal and a little idea...

Dave knew about niche sites from a few different blogs and podcasts. He wanted to create a niche site and he followed the steps that he learned about from all these free sources online.

He bought a domain, started a site, published lots of content...he even got traffic.

After a few months, Dave was getting the hang of it and the traffic grew. He hit a wall…

There was an issue...He’d picked a bad niche. The price of the product was pretty low. Too low.

So, there he was with a site that was taking up his time, but it wasn’t paying off.

Dave started to change his approach and use the techniques and methods the I use for my niche sites.

Guess what happened next?

Dave went from almost no income to $50 per month in July of 2015…
Then $500 per month…

To $1,000 per month…

Dave is currently making a full time income, pulling in $5,000 per month.
He used the techniques that I showed him, focusing on the 80/20 of niche sites, to reach a full time income. And it’s no fluke because Dave has started new sites and they are profitable, too.

And Spencer Haws even asked him to be on the Niche Pursuits Podcast:
 That’s the power of using a proven system to Create a Niche Site.

How do you create YOUR Amazon Affiliate niche site with a great niche?

The basics are straightforward…
Find a product.
Publish reviews.
Here’s the thing…

A lot of niche site advice focuses on keywords, keyword tools, and research right from the start.

It can be confusing and if it seems like they’re trying to sell you some keyword research app, they probably are!
“Find a keyword at least 5,000 searches per month”
“You need my software to do keyword research”
“Make sure the competition isn’t too strong”
When you try to mimic the strategies, things just don’t quite work out. So let’s keep it simple...

Your ultimate goal is to help people gather product information so they can eventually buy something on Amazon.

Why not go directly to the source: Amazon.

In the days when I first got started with niche sites, I wanted to make it as easy as possible. And avoid my previous mistake of picking a lousy niche. I used this technique to create a niche site that made $10,791 in under 6 months.

The best part?

I started the site completely from scratch.
It was my first Amazon Affiliate site.

I used this technique to find a great product that people really wanted to buy.

And it’s so simple that YOU can do the same thing by the end of this weekend. Here is how it works:

Step 1: Go to and navigate to a department. (Such as “Sports and Outdoors”)

Step 2: Go to a subcategory. (Such as “Yoga”)

Step 3: Start diving down deeper. Look at specific product categories. (Such as “Mats”, “Towels”, “Blocks”, “Straps”, or “Starter Sets”). You’ll see top rated products right there.

This works so well because Amazon knows consumers better than they know themselves. The best and top rated products are right there for you to see…

For EVERY SINGLE category. And subcategory.

All you have to do is look. The biggest danger with this is that you’ll get TOO MANY ideas. :)

The technique works great if you’re starting a new site or if you’re looking for new product ideas for an existing niche site.

Of course, there's a lot more than finding the right niche:
How do I find the right keywords to target?
How do I publish great content for reviews?
How do I get traffic to my site?
How do I promote my site?
How do I make sure my site doesn’t get penalized?
If you want answers to these questions and are ready to be taken by the hand and shown the exact step-by-step process, I can help.

I created a course that will walk you through a proven step-by-step system for creating a profitable niche site. It’s called Five Figure Niche Site.

It will be available to purchase on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 8:00 am MST. I’ll be sending out more details as well as a behind-the-scenes walkthrough of the course on Saturday morning.

So stay tuned! Talk to you soon.

P.S. here is your assignment for today:
Action item 1: Go to Amazon and browse the departments.
Action item 2: Hit reply and let me know the broad categories that interested in.
Action item 3: Start looking at individual products to see what people are buying. Write out a list of your product ideas.

That’s it for today. Get to it!

In life, people tend to wait for good things to come to them. And by waiting, they miss out.

Usually, what you wish for doesn't fall in your lap; it falls somewhere nearby, and you have to recognize it, stand up, and put in the time and work it takes to get to it.

This isn't because the universe is cruel. It's because the universe is smart.
-Neil Strauss, The Game

How do you create a successful Amazon Affiliate Niche Site?

Having a plan and having a SYSTEM to get it done. This time I knew what steps to do and when to do them.

The result? The site generated traffic and revenue – on schedule.

If you know what to work on, then it’s just a matter of actually doing the work. If you’re reading this, then you’re obviously not lazy and you’re willing to do the work if it’s going to pay off.

The key is to find the right niche! The right set of keywords so that visitors to your niche site will convert into Amazon buyers. That was one of the main issues with my first, “unsuccessful” niche site.

But how do you find the right niche?
That took me a while to figure out and make it repeatable. Now, I’m really good at it. You need keywords with the right metrics.

You need to use a proven, systems-based process.

In 2013, I started the Niche Site Project blog and wrote a book on building niche sites using project management.



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