Monday 3 June 2019

7 Ways to Compliment Your Written Text Content with Online Video

Creating articles and blog entries is essential to your website. It engages people and gets them to want to know more about your brand. If done well, you are offering quality content that makes people want to come back for more. But, let’s face it. Text alone can be boring sometimes.

We are visual by nature, so adding a beautiful picture or graphic to your text can help bring out the essential aspects of a post and help create hype for your brand.

Better yet, use video. Video is the most engaging format of media available today as evidenced by statistics on video marketing. Users respond to it 66 times more often than text because it adds a visual element to your content. It is also more shareable because you can add social media share buttons or have people share it on YouTube.

  • Video marketers get 66% more qualified leads per year.
  • Video marketers achieve a 54% increase in brand awareness.

Below are some practical ways that you can incorporate video within your text to complement what you’re saying while not interrupting your main message.

1. Use humor.

Using humor in videos is one of the best ways to captivate your audience through video. Whether you were using talking head and interviewing people on the street about what they think about your products or creating hand-drawn animations through a whiteboard presentation, using humor is one of the best ways you can attract an audience.

People love to laugh, and they want relief from the stress that they face every day. Studies show that people come to the internet through mobile devices many times looking for funny videos. Use this to your advantage by adding funny videos to your page to accent your text.

2. Create an engaging thumbnail.

Remembering that people are visual, make sure that you create an engaging video

That emphasizes what your video is about. Having bright colors or a logo that attracts their interest will help but always make sure to capture one of the most interesting aspects of the video. If you use actual video footage for the still shot, take a little extra time at this point to think about how to create an interesting thumbnail. The thumbnail will get indexed as an image in Google and also on YouTube when people look for content.

3. Try whiteboard animations.

One of the best things about using whiteboard animation is that you can tell an entire story of your brand or explain how to use your products or services. Through this systematic and detailed approach, users will see a hand drawing out the information that you want to show them, and you can build a whole city by showing the hand what to draw when you create your whiteboard animations.

People love whiteboard because perhaps it reminds them of their early days in school when teachers drew out things on the chalkboard. It may also be reminiscent of some of the old cartoons that were built on simple frames. Whatever the case or the motivation people love whiteboard animations and you should love them too if you’re a business owner. They allow you to take the viewer from start to finish all the way to your call to action. Also, studies show it keeps their attention longer than other kinds of video and may, therefore, make them stay until your call to action.

3. Create infographics.

Infographics were developed about 10 years ago, and they combined some of the best elements of informational text with graphics that appeal to someone’s visual interest. What’s more, you can make an infographic into a video using some simple technology and software such as you might find on the Simple Show website. Check out some of the video examples here and see what you might want to do to bring your content alive through whiteboard video for infographics.

5. Place the video at the top of the blog or website entry and describe the information in the video below it.

Some of the psychology involved in sharing videos that work is the placement as to where you put them on the page. If you put the video at the top of the page, it is going to be the first thing they see when they enter your website and therefore they will assume that it is one of the most important aspects of your site. Put it in your blog as well to draw more attention and make sure and use keywords in your video description so that you will pull in people from both YouTube as well as general search engine traffic.

6. Try a cartoon with frames and text written below.

Have you ever thought about creating a frame by frame cartoon the way they used to do it? You can do this through whiteboard animation. Take a look at some samples of whiteboard animations and decide for yourself which one might be the most effective with your branding. You’re entertaining people when you use white boarding, and that is the key to keeping their attention. People want information, but they also want it given to them on an interesting platform and format. You can communicate anything you need to communicate attractively and dynamically that will keep them coming back for more.

To learn more about the many different ways individuals and brands are creating hand drawn cartoons and using them within whiteboard videos, click here.

7. Use video testimonials and use captions to illustrate what people said.

Create character animations of people talking and recommending your brand. You can use dialogue from customer service emails or from the feedback you’ve received on social media so that it will be authentic. Then use characters to deliver the dialogue.

Remember you want to increase the visual interaction and draw more customers to your website, so whiteboard animation is a great way to do this while keeping their attention and staying on focus. Customer testimonials should talk about the positive aspects and why the people liked your brand so that they will want to share this with others.

There are many ways that you can build your brand by adding video as a main component to your content. This keeps the material interesting instead of just putting out text, which can be boring to people over the long-term. You can use these techniques on your blogs or websites and other sites by cross-advertising across your platforms using the same keywords throughout.

This is a part of building your brand and integrating your marketing strategy so that video becomes a focus of what you do. This will greatly increase your impact and this is backed up by research.

Think Visual!

Whatever you do, think video and think visual, because the future is about handheld devices looking for videos that tell them what they want to know fast. If you can meet this need you will be on the top of the heap in the near future as we move toward an AI dependent and video mobile-focused world.

The post 7 Ways to Compliment Your Written Text Content with Online Video appeared first on Zac Johnson.



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