Monday 6 May 2019

Get traffic to your website free

Get traffic to your website free

Here’s something I did that didn’t require much effort at all.

One of the last websites I built was a niche satire site that produced humorous content. I leveraged only Facebook (initially) to drive all of the traffic.

The site was just a hobby project. It’s not something I put a ton of work into, but still managed tens of thousands of visits per month just with what little work I put in.

I joined several large, related Facebook groups that I knew would be interested in my site’s content, and that’s where I got about 95% of my traffic. Each blog was shared in 5-10 of these groups, which drove people to like my Facebook page and to the website.

A lot of marketers will tell you to go into Facebook groups and build trust & authority long before you try marketing anything. I didn’t do that.

In this case I was my OWN authority – the only person posting funny content related to the groups, and was an instant success.

If you can be the ONLY person in the group posting something unique to the group, you’re golden.

Also – don’t produce garbage. It should be a no-brainer at this point in marketing.

With my particular niche, my content was highly unique, and therefore highly engaging. Each post would generate thousands of likes, comments, and shares, which only drove more traffic to my site.

This site has been up for about two years and STILL no one has bothered to use the same strategy, which keeps it unique in the space.

The beauty is that I don’t even have to be consistent with my blog posts, because at any time I can just post out of the blue and still get thousands of interactions with it.



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