If You Are Dyslexic You Could be Eligible for These Grants
Reading Time: 4 mins
Grants and financial aid for people with dyslexia can be fundemental to affording the cost of living. Dyslexia affects 20 percent of the population and represents 80–90 percent of all those with learning disabilities. It is also the most common of all neuro-cognitive disorders. However not many people who recieve the diagnosis realise that there is support available both financially and in the form of aid. So if you or a loved one has recently recieved diagnois, then the best place to start is here.
- Diagnosis
- Access to Work Funding
- Apply for a grant
- After you apply
- Claiming money from your grant
- Other support
Diagnosis alone can be costly and Disability Rights UK can help you cover these costs. It says on their site that: “Disability Rights UK is a national registered charity. As a charity, our funds are limited and we are therefore unable to give financial assistance to disabled students or those working on their behalf.” They do however suggest you apply here to access help with the cost associated with receiving diagnosis.
Access to Work Funding
Access to work funding is government funding that can pay for support for disabled people. Its aim is to help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability.
In the case of dyslexia, this can be used towards the cost of:
- Assistive technology equipment and training
- Coping strategies training – this is currently fully funded by Access to Work
Your work:
You need to have a paid job (or be about to start/return to one).
A paid job can be full or part-time and can include:
- employment
- self-employment
- an apprenticeship
- a work trial or work experience
- an internship
- a work placement
You cannot get Access to Work support for voluntary work.
Your income and benefits
You can gain support from Access to Work:
- however, much you earn or have in savings
- at the same time as receiving benefits, as long as you work more than 1 hour per week.
If you’re unsure if you are eligible, you can call the Access to Work helpline.
Access to Work helpline
Telephone: 0800 121 7479
Textphone: 0800 121 7579
Apply for a grant
You can apply for Access to Work online or by phone.
You’ll need to give:
- your contact details
- your workplace address and postcode
- the name of a workplace contact who can confirm you work there (they will not be contacted without your permission)
- the email address or work phone number of your workplace contact
- your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number (if you’re self-employed)
- information about how your condition affects your work and what support you think you need
After you apply
After applying, someone from Access to Work will contact you about your application. The person may ask you:
- for more information about your condition and the nature of your work.
- For permission to speak to your employer
- To arrange for an assessor to call you or view your workplace via video call or in person.
You’ll receive a letter with a decision and an explanation as well as how much your grant is and what it should be used for.
If you disagree with a decision or want to complain
Should you disagree with the decision that is made and want it to be reconsidered call the access to work helpline.
You can also call the helpline if you are unhappy with the service you received or how your case was handled.
Claiming money from your grant
Your decision letter will explain how to claim the money from your grant. You may have to pay for the support you need first. Your letter will tell you how to claim your money back. Remember to keep your invoices and receipts as evidence.
For some services, Access to Work the providers will be paid directly – your letter will explain how to set this up.
If your grant runs out and you need more to pay for something your decision letter says you need, call the helpline.
Renewing your grant
You need to renew your grant before it ends if you use it to pay for ongoing support such as a support worker. Your letter will say when your grant ends, you can apply to renew it 12 weeks before this.
Other Support Available
Higher Education
This is a big one as can help massively with a dyslexic person getting access to higher and further education. You are also eligible for help with study related costs. To look into eligibility in higher education click here. The type of support and how much you get depends on your individual needs – not your household income. You could also be eligible for a bursery from the university itself. Check here to learn more.
Free Audio Books
Calibre Audio is free to join for anyone who has a print disability. Join here for access to over 13,000 free audiobooks.
Free EBooks on Understanding Dyslexia
Often, if the diagnosis is a child, or someone close to us, we want to learn how to make life that little bit easier for them. Blog Homeschooling with Dyslexia have rounded up all of the support available here.
Literacy Foundation for Children
Financial assistance is available for children with learning disabilities, particularly dyslexia, to help offset the cost of intervention for families who struggle to provide them with this help. The foundation lists the criteria to apply here.
They consider new applicants every 6-8 weeks.
Fashion and Textiles Children’s Trust
To apply for an FTCT grant, one parent must work OR have recently worked in the UK fashion and textile industry, for at least one year within the last nine years. Find out more about trade criteria here.
The trust can help with one off payments to cover costs assosiated with living with dyslexia (and other things).
- Grants for Essential Items (here)
- Rehousing Grants (here)
- Specialist Equipment Grants (here)
- Therapy Grants (here)
The post If You Are Dyslexic You Could be Eligible for These Grants appeared first on MoneyMagpie.
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