Thursday 3 September 2020

Yes, You SHOULD Apply for That Job

Reading Time: 4 mins

With such a vast number of recent changes in the world of work, the job market is tougher than ever. Unemployment rates have increased dramatically, and every job is receiving large numbers of applicants. But don’t let this put you off! Although the majority of us jump at any opportunity to second guess ourselves, thinking we’re not good enough, we actually are. Underestimating ourselves is a habit that needs to be kicked, especially when it’s impacting your job search!

We’ve covered some tips to give you the encouragement to get out there and apply for that job.

Stop Missing Out on Opportunities

What makes you think you shouldn't apply for that job?

In general, we’re all really bad when it comes to self-editing and underestimating our abilities. Just look at us as a nation and how badly we deal with compliments!

However, when it comes to job hunting, denying the extent of your skills and capabilities causes you to miss out on potential opportunities. If you don’t believe you can carry out a role, how do you expect to convince an employer you can? If you see positions in a relevant job industry or role, submit your CV, even if you’re not 100% qualified for it. Job applications are bit of a numbers game. The more you apply for – the more chance you have of being successful with one of them.

The Difference Between Men and Women

A lot of research has been carried out that analyses how people apply for jobs. One of the biggest findings which repeatedly crops up is that women are generally more hesitant about applying. Research carried out by LinkedIn found that, on the whole, women will only apply for a job if they meet 100% of the criteria. Conversely, men apply for positions if they meet just 60% of the requirements. LinkedIn research also found that women tend to further limit themselves by applying to 20% fewer jobs than men overall!

Don’t miss out on opportunities because you don’t have every skill listed. It’s doubtful that anyone applying does!

Boost Your Confidence

This is always easier said than done, but boosting your confidence is similar to creating any new habit. Repeat it enough times and you’ll get there.

Here are a few tips to help. Remember, the more you repeat them, the more you’ll genuinely believe them, and in yourself.

  • Break bad habits – Quit focusing on past mistakes. If you can take something positive away from a previous mistake, great, but if not don’t dwell on it. Focusing too much on where you went wrong before will just increase stress that you’ll mess up again.
  • Silence your self-critic – Your inner voice can tell you repeatedly that you’re not good enough, or there’s no chance of you getting the job so why even bother. Try and ignore it as much as possible and keep reminding yourself of all your skills and achievements. The more you do this the less critical of yourself you should become.
  • Make a note of your skills and accomplishments – Note down all your skills, successes, and experience. Looking at a physical list of all your attributes can be a great thing to lift confidence. It also comes in handy when you’re searching through job adverts. You can compare your list to their requirements and see if you would be a good fit. Remember that you’re never expected to have every single requirement though!

Take Advantage of Changing Work Environments

Changing work environments mean things like remote work is now easier than ever

The pandemic has completely changed the way we work. During lockdown over 20 million worked from home, according to Business Insider. Throughout which employees were reported to be more productive during working hours, leading to better overall work performances. Lockdown has proved to many businesses that remote working is successful, and the standard 9-5 could become a thing of the past. Making it easier for everyone to manage and maintain a work and home life balance.

The success of remote working makes it harder for employers to deny flexibility around work hours and settings.  Bear this in mind when you apply for that job. The success of these changes gives room for negotiation around flexible working. Particularly beneficial to working parents, where flexibility is key.

If you need adjustments to how you work – whether it’s going part-time, or switching to flexible or remote working. Now is an excellent time to negotiate this with your current, or prospective employer.

Job Descriptions and Requirements

One of the most misleading things about job advertisements is that the listed requirements are hard and fast rules. Even employers themselves have admitted that realistically they’re considered to be like more guidelines.

Figure out what the non-negotiables are and make sure to highlight this in your application and interview. Realistically, if you match around two-thirds of the qualifications and requirements, then you should apply for that job.

Taking the time to personalise a cover letter every time pays off. Think about how you would contribute to the business in a unique way? How could you bring success? If you don’t have all the skills needed, demonstrate how you’d learn the others in your cover letter. And whether there’s any extra skills you could bring to the role that they haven’t listed.

What Can You Negotiate On?

Sometimes the job you’re applying for might not be perfect – the salary might be lower than you’d hope, for example. If the company can’t offer exactly what you’d like, consider other things you’d be happy to negotiate on. Could you receive higher employer pension contributions, or receive a few extra days’ holiday? Or maybe you could discuss a health insurance plan? There are usually other areas that employers will be more lenient on, and it’s possible to arrange for something that suits you both.

More Job Hunting Help

For more advice and job hunting tips, check out some of these articles next:

The post Yes, You SHOULD Apply for That Job appeared first on MoneyMagpie.



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