Friday 6 September 2019

5 Saturated Markets with Plenty of Room to Grow Beyond 2019

At the time of writing this article, Worldometers reports that there are approximately 7.728 billion people in the world — and that number is increasing by roughly 200,000 people daily.

With such a massive number in place, you could say the world is quite saturated. However, it’s also reported that before the year 2060, we are looking at having more than 10 billion people in the world.

Now that’s a whole new level of saturation. 

But at the same time, businesses and entrepreneurs around the world will look at this as opportunity — which is something you and your business should likely be doing as well.

Saturation comes in many different shapes, forms, and sizes — but it’s also not something you should be afraid of or shy away from.

With this concept in mind, let’s take a look at five different saturated markets in the online business world today, and how you can start tapping into these extremely lucrative markets, while not getting crushed by the massive competition in the process.


Of all the different business opportunities to choose from, eCommerce has to be one of the fastest growing. Thanks to solutions like Shopify and other platforms that require little to no programming or design skills, now anyone can get started with an online business of their own.

Throw the power of drop shipping into the mix, and there is no need to hold any inventory or to start with a lot of upfront investment money.

At the same time, everyone is buying something online. Billions of dollars are collectively spent daily, and these numbers are just going to continue to increase as more people access the internet and buy online for the first time.

Oberlo reports that “It’s estimated that there will be 1.92 billion global digital buyers in 2019” and that this number is rising rapidly and is expected to hit a massive 2.14 billion people in 2021.

Yes, the online shopping and ecommerce industry is SUPER saturated, but there is also a demand for the businesses and product fulfillment solutions out there.

VPN Online Privacy

Personal data and online tracking is something we see and hear more about in the news daily. For the most part, there isn’t much people can do when it comes to their data getting accessed from third-party and company hackings, however, when it comes to their online browsing habits and internet access, VPNs are one of the best solutions around.

The concept of VPNs (virtual private networks) are nothing new, and they are extremely easy, fast, and low cost to set up. In most cases, all you need to do is join a VPN of your choice, install a browser plugin and then you are good to go.

The benefits of using a VPN are that you aren’t openly and freely giving away all of your personal internet browsing location and history to anyone asking for it. With billions of sites placing cookies on your computers and leaving tracking and advertiser pixels all over the place, they are basically collecting all of your data and passing it along to other sources to serve better advertising — and sometimes even selling your information.

With all of that being said, the business of VPN and online privacy protection is alive and well. As more people continue to access the internet through different devices, the demand will only continue to grow. For example, Express VPN is one of many VPNs for Macs, while there are plenty of other Chrome Browser and mobile VPN solutions out there as well.

Yes, it’s a saturated market, but when you look at how many people are actually using VPNs at work or home, the numbers are still quite low.

Anything Related to Finance

Do you want to make more money in life? Maybe you would like to discover how to improve your credit score by a few points? Would you like to be debt free? Or maybe you have some excess debt or monthly costs that you would like to pay down?

As you can see… anything related to finance is always going to grab a lot of attention — and more importantly, demand.

No matter where you look in the finance industry, there is always going to be saturation, but there is also always going to be someone doing a better job and figuring out new ways to service this customers at lower costs.

The individuals, companies and brands that can figure this out are the ones who will look at the mass saturation in their space and use it to their advantage.

Selling on Amazon

Love it or hate it… Amazon is the biggest ecommerce and business in the world today. They are also the destroyer of mom and pop businesses, while also being the creator of new businesses and entrepreneurs as well.

In 2018, TechCrunch reported that Amazon’s market share was just under 50% in comparison to all other ecommerce sites. This number is likely even higher today.

With such a dominance in place, there is pretty much no way for small brands and business to compete with Amazon. The good news is, they don’t have to.

While Amazon has mass market share and saturation in the world today, it would be a huge mistake to not take the opportunity to work and sell through them whenever possible.

Whether it be through Amazon FBA (fulfillment by Amazon), working with them through their affiliate program, or even taking advantage of their Kindle and book selling services — Amazon is going to generate billions of dollars in sales, so you might as well piggy back on their success along the way.

Just like all other ‘saturated’ markets listed in this article, it all comes down to being more creative and smarter than your competition. Try not to re-invent the wheel, but to instead build a better product, brand, and business experience for your audience and customers.

Mobile Everything

There’s no doubt about it — mobile is here. However, the better question is: How are you using mobile for your business and brand?

Just take a look at some of these recent numbers pointed out by CleverTap, and how mobile continues to increase in size and demand year over year.

  • There are 4.92 billion mobile users globally, 66% of the total population. (We Are Social, 2017).
  • Global mobile data traffic is projected to increase nearly 3x between 2018-2021. (Statista, 2018)
  • Mobile devices are projected to drive 79% of total global internet usage in 2018. (eMarketer, 2017)

And when it comes to mobile apps and usage, it’s not just social media and games where people are spending most of their time. Entertainment, utilities, news and lifestyle are all consuming a large amount of time and generating revenue as well.

Again, one would think there is massive saturation here and no room for anyone to enter this space, but it’s actually quite the opposite.

Whether it’s through mobile applications, mobile media buying, or the optimization and lead generation of ad campaigns… there is always a growing demand for more experts, advertisements, and revenue pouring in and out of the mobile space.

Don’t Be Afraid of Market Saturation. Embrace it!

If you were just starting a business today, you might be sitting there and trying to come up with something completely new and original. While this is a good idea in theory, it’s actually a thousand times harder versus actually tapping into any of the markets mentioned above and just getting a small slice of the pie.

Take a moment to skim through each of the markets and opportunities listed above, and see what ideas and new opportunities for growth you might be able to come up with.

The post 5 Saturated Markets with Plenty of Room to Grow Beyond 2019 appeared first on Zac Johnson.



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