Tuesday 28 May 2019

How to make money as a prison consultant

Reading Time: 3 mins

For those growing up middle-class to wealthy, the idea of spending time in prison may be close to unthinkable. Even if they were caught committing a crime – maybe shoplifting or driving without a license – it may land them in hot water momentarily, but in most cases paying a stiff fine would get them off the hook. A luxury only those with money – or at least friends with money – have.

Sometimes, however, even the rich (and famous) get caught doing something so utterly wicked, there’s simply no avoiding serving a sentence behind bars. And then what? If no one in your social circle has ever been locked up, who do you call to prepare you for life on the inside of a cell?

A prison consultant. That’s who.


What does a prison consultant do?

“I’m like a cross between a psychologist, a marriage counsellor, a life coach and a priest.”

This is how Larry Levine, founder and director of Wall Street Prison Consultants, explained his specialised work to the BBC recently.

Basically, white collar convicts would hire someone like Levine to help them learn the ropes of the prison system. This helps ensure that their sentence runs as smoothly as possible and that they make it out in one piece upon completion.

Unlike a lawyer, prison consultants do not offer legal advice, but rather something closer to life coaching. While they will not necessarily be able to identify loopholes in your case, they will certainly be able to help you transition into life as a prisoner.

Here in the UK, prisonconsultants.co.uk’s ‘About Us’ page reads:

“If you do go to prison we are here to help you and your family through what will be a traumatic experience. We shall help and advise you prior to any custodial sentence and shall be available for the duration of any sentence.”


Do I need any qualifications?

As mentioned earlier, prison consultants are not lawyers. Therefore, no need to enrol in law school or try to sneak your way into the bar Mike Ross-style.

Rather, you would have had to spend some time behind bars.

Yes, that’s right! All you really need to be a good prison consultant is some real-life experience of your own. Or, at the very least, experience supporting a loved one through a prison sentence.

Alternatively, having carved out a career for yourself as a senior prison officer, prison governor or prison healthcare worker could also come in handy.

“Our consultants, both male and female, have experience of prison life from ‘behind the door’, They are graduates of the prison system, ex-offenders who are able to offer words of wisdom based on real experience,” states prisonconsultants.co.uk.

Of course, to be able to support people as professionally as possible, completing a counselling course or undergoing Samaritans listener training would be a good idea.


How much money can I make as a prison consultant?

Think you tick all the boxes to help guide others through the prison system? Want to investigate being a prison consultant as a possible career path?

Well, this might also set you on a path to making some pretty good money!

According to the BBC, the likes of Levine charge anything from “a few hundred dollars to a few thousand to upwards of $100,000 (£75,000).”

The amount you charge, of course, depends on how deeply you get involved with the case. If you just offer some initial guidance to help an alleged criminal find a suitable lawyer or barrister, you will only charge a few hundred pounds.

However, if you assist them throughout the entire process and offer regular consultations while they’re in prison, your fee will become exponentially more substantial.


The post How to make money as a prison consultant appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Friday 24 May 2019

NASA unveils schedule for ´Artemis´ 2024 Moon mission

WASHINGTON: NASA on Thursday unveiled the calendar for the "Artemis" program that will return astronauts to the Moon for the first time in half a century, including eight scheduled launches and a mini-station in lunar orbit by 2024.The original lunar missions were named for Apollo -- Artemis was his twin sister in Greek mythology, and the goddess of hunting, wilderness and the Moon.Administrator Jim Bridenstine confirmed that Artemis 1 will be an uncrewed mission around the Moon planned for 2020. Next will come Artemis 2, which will orbit Earth´s satellite with a crew around 2022; followed finally by Artemis 3 that will put astronauts on lunar soil in 2024, including the first woman.The three will be launched into space by the biggest rocket of all time, the Boeing-led Space Launch System (SLS), which is currently under development but has seen numerous delays and has been criticized in some quarters as a bloated jobs program.Affixed to its summit will be the Orion capsule, for which Lockheed Martin is the primary contractor.In addition to these missions, which will be all NASA´s efforts, there will be five launches carrying the building blocks of the lunar mini-station "Gateway" which will serve as a staging point for the Moon landing.These will be carried out between 2022 and 2024 by private space companies, which NASA will pay for their services.The orbital station will initially consist of a simple power and propulsion element and a small habitat module. In 2024, astronauts will stop there en route to the Moon.They will then descend to the surface on a lander.A part of the lander will remain on the Moon while the other part will take off and allow the astronauts to return to their station, where they will board the Orion capsule and return to Earth.Bridenstine said Thursday that NASA had chosen private firm Maxar to build the station´s first module, the power and propulsion element, which would rely on huge solar panels.In the coming months, NASA will have to decide on who will build the lander. Aerospace giants such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin are vying for the contract as are new players like Jeff Bezos´ Blue Origin."We´re not owning the hardware, we´re buying the service," said Bridenstine of the lander. "The goal here is speed. 2024 is right around the corner."He added: "Our goal is ultimately to move on to Mars and not get stuck on the surface of the Moon"

from The News International - World http://bit.ly/2YM3n06


Monday 20 May 2019

Google and Android system start to cut ties with Huawei

San Francisco: US internet giant Google, whose Android mobile operating system powers most of the world's smartphones, said Sunday it was beginning to cut ties with China's Huawei, which Washington considers a national security threat.In the midst of a trade war with Beijing, President Donald Trump has barred US companies from engaging in telecommunications trade with foreign companies said to threaten American national security.The measure targets Huawei, a Chinese telecoms giant in Washington´s sights that is listed by the Commerce Department among firms with which American companies can only engage in trade after obtaining the green light from the authorities.The ban includes technology sharing."We are complying with the order and reviewing the implications," a Google spokesperson told AFP.The move could have dramatic implications since Google, like all tech companies, must collaborate with smartphone makers to ensure its systems are compatible with their devices.Google will have to halt business activities with Huawei that involve transfer of hardware, software and technical services that are not publicly available -- meaning Huawei will only be able to use the open source version of Android, a source close to the matter told AFP.Huawei will no longer have access to Google's proprietary apps and services, such as the Gmail email service.Huawei did not immediately respond to requests for comment.Huawei is a rapidly expanding leader in 5G technology but remains dependent on foreign suppliers.It buys about $67 billion worth of components each year, including about $11 billion from US suppliers, according to The Nikkei business daily.Huawei is the target of an intense campaign by Washington, which has been trying to persuade allies not to allow China a role in building next-generation 5G mobile networks.US government agencies are already banned from buying equipment from Huawei.Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei said Saturday that "We have not done anything which violates the law," adding the US measures would have a limited impact.

from The News International - World http://bit.ly/2HpG4n4


Thursday 16 May 2019

China blocks all language editions of Wikipedia

BEIJING: Beijing has broadened its block of online encyclopedia Wikipedia to include all language editions, reported an internet censorship research group, ahead of the country’s most politically explosive anniversary.According to a report by the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI), China started blocking all language editions of Wikipedia last month.Previously, most editions of Wikipedia -- besides the Chinese language version, which was reportedly blocked in 2015 -- were available, OONI said in their report.AFP could not open any of Wikipedia’s versions in China on Wednesday."At the end of the day, the content that really matters is Chinese-language content," said Charlie Smith, the pseudonym of one of the co-founders of Greatfire.org, which tracks online censorship in China."Blocking access to all language versions of Wikipedia for internet users in China is just symbolic," he told AFP. "It symbolises the fear that the Chinese authorities have of the truth."Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit organisation that hosts Wikipedia, did not immediately respond to AFP’s request for comment.China’s online censorship apparatus -- dubbed the "Great Firewall" -- blocks a large number of foreign sites in the country, such as Google, Facebook and The New York Times.Topics that are deemed too "sensitive" are also scrubbed, such as the 1989 crackdown on Tiananmen pro-democracy protesters which will mark its 30th anniversary on June 4.The expanded block of Wikipedia comes as Chinese authorities ramp up online controls and crack down on Great Firewall circumvention tools, such as virtual private network (VPN) software, under Chinese President Xi Jinping.In November, China’s cyberspace authority said it had "cleaned up" 9,800 accounts on Chinese social media platforms like messaging app WeChat and the Twitter-like Weibo that it accused of spreading "politically harmful" information and rumours.Chinese Twitter users have also told AFP that they have experienced intimidation from local authorities -- and even detention -- for their tweets.The latest move to block all versions of Wikipedia could be linked to online translation tools, which make it easy for Chinese users to read anything on Wikipedia, explained Smith.Images can also be considered taboo, he said."A picture is worth a thousand words, and there is no dearth of Tiananmen-related imagery on the Wikipedia website," Smith added.

from The News International - World http://bit.ly/2Q55rgD


Wednesday 15 May 2019

Facebook to curb livestreaming amid pressure over Christchurch massacre

PARIS: Facebook announced Wednesday it would tighten access to its livestreaming feature as New Zealand’s premier Jacinda Ardern and French leader Emmanuel Macron prepared to launch the global "Christchurch Call" initiative to tackle the spread of extremism online.Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg has been under intense pressure since March when a self-described white supremacist used Facebook Live to stream his rampage at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch, which left 51 people dead.The California-based platform said it would ban Facebook Live users who shared extremist content and seek to reinforce its own internal controls to stop the spread of offensive videos."Following the horrific recent terrorist attacks in New Zealand, we’ve been reviewing what more we can do to limit our services from being used to cause harm or spread hate," Facebook vice-president of integrity Guy Rosen said in a statement.Along with their counterparts from Britain, Canada, Norway, Jordan and Senegal, who will also be in Paris, Ardern and Macron will later issue the Christchurch Call to fight the spread of hateful and terror-related content.The largely symbolic initiative is intended to keep up the pressure on social media companies who face growing calls from politicians across the world to restrict the spread of extremism and disinformation on their platforms.Many countries have already tightened legislation to introduce fines for companies that fail to block offensive content, but experts say a new wave of regulation -- championed by France in particular -- could be looming.The political meeting in Paris will run in parallel to an initiative launched by Macron called "Tech for Good" which will bring together 80 tech chiefs to discuss how to harness technologies for the common good.The heads of Wikipedia, Uber, Twitter and Google will attend, but not Zuckerberg who held private one-to-one talks with Macron last week.The social network giant will instead be represented by its vice president for global affairs and communications Nick Clegg, the former British deputy premier.The Christchurch Call meeting is to get underway around 1400 GMT and finish with a press conference by Ardern and Macron at 1600 GMT.- ‘Horrifying new trend’ -In an opinion piece in The New York Times over the weekend, Ardern said the Christchurch massacre underlined "a horrifying new trend" in extremist atrocities."It was designed to be broadcast on the internet. The entire event was livestreamed... the scale of this horrific video’s reach was staggering," she wrote.Ardern said Facebook removed 1.5 million copies of the video within 24 hours of the attack, but she still found herself among those who inadvertently saw the footage when it auto-played on their social media feeds."(We’re) asking both nations and private corporations to make changes to prevent the posting of terrorist content online, to ensure its efficient and fast removal and to prevent the use of livestreaming as a tool for broadcasting terrorist attacks," she wrote in The Times.In Wednesday’s statement, Facebook acknowledged the inadequacy of its own systems."One of the challenges we faced in the days after the attack was a proliferation of many different variants of the video of the attack," vice-president of integrity Rosen said."People -- not always intentionally -- shared edited versions of the video which made it hard for our systems to detect."New Zealand officials said Ardern found a natural partner for the fight against online extremism in Macron, who has repeatedly stated that the status quo is unacceptable."Macron was one of the first leaders to call the prime minister after the attack, and he has long made removing hateful online content a priority," New Zealand’s ambassador to France, Jane Coombs, told journalists on Monday."It’s a global problem that requires a global response," she said.A French presidential source said it was time for tech companies to "anticipate how their features will be exploited."Firms themselves will be urged to come up with concrete measures, the source said, for example by reserving live broadcasting to social media accounts whose owners have been identified.

from The News International - World http://bit.ly/2HprKdg


Monday 13 May 2019

Amazon offers employees $10,000 to quit, launch delivery business

Amazon said Monday it was offering employees $10,000 to quit their jobs and become independent package delivery entrepreneurs for the online retail colossus.An Amazon statement said the latest incentive would also include three months of wages for employees who want to start their own delivery enterprise, and that they would be assured "consistent delivery volume" from the company.The move comes with Amazon seeking to reduce its dependence on services in the US Postal Service and Fedex. Amazon first launched the "delivery service partner" program in 2018, requiring employees to invest in their own start and estimating revenues for up to $300,000.Since last year, some 200 people have begun Amazon delivery startups, and the company said it expects "hundreds" more with the added incentives, available in the United States, Britain and Spain."We received overwhelming interest from tens of thousands of individuals who applied to be part of the delivery service partner program, including many employees," said Dave Clark, senior vice president of worldwide operations."We´ve heard from associates that they want to participate in the program but struggled with the transition. Now we have a path for those associates with an appetite for opportunities to own their own businesses."Amazon said it would offer access to the company´s delivery technology, training, and discounts on assets and services, including Amazon-branded vans and uniforms.

from The News International - World http://bit.ly/2Hp5CiT


Sunday 12 May 2019

Merkel's preferred successor says won't seek post before 2021

BERLIN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel´s preferred successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, said Sunday that she would not seek the top job before Merkel´s term ends in 2021.The woman usually dubbed "AKK" took over from Merkel as head of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) last December, while the chancellor said she wants to serve out her 2017-2021 term."The chancellor and the government were elected for an entire legislative term and the citizens rightly expect them to take seriously the commitment that came with the election," said Kramp-Karrenbauer."So I can rule out the possibility that I will work deliberately to seek a change earlier," she told the Welt am Sonntag newspaper.Rather, the CDU should work on a new policy platform and nominate its chancellor-candidate in the late autumn of 2020, she said.German media have been speculating for months over whether Germany´s veteran leader Merkel may leave earlier as head of her left-right coalition government.Under one scenario, her junior partners the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) could quit the "grand coalition" if they receive further election setbacks.Upcoming electoral tests are the European parliament elections this month and three state polls in Germany´s ex-communist east later in the year.In all those elections, the far-right and anti-immigration AfD could make further gains at the expense of the mainstream CDU and SPD parties.Kramp-Karrenbauer acknowledged that the coalition with the SPD "did not emerge smoothly and doesn´t always have an easy time cooperating".On her relationship with Merkel, she said that "on some days I speak more with her than with my husband".She stressed however that Merkel to her was neither a "personal friend" nor a "benefactor", and that instead they are "fellow travellers". "Our relationship is very good, just as it was before," Kramp-Karrenbauer told the newspaper.

from The News International - World http://bit.ly/2JihpD1


Tuesday 7 May 2019



There are millions of writers on the internet. To find the right person for the job, it can take hours, days or even weeks.
Since you want to find great writers for your blog and website, I suggest you try to the following places.
  1. Social media
Almost everyone with access to internet has at least one social media account. If, for instance you’re on Facebook, you can look for writers’ groups. Type something like ‘content writers’ and you’ll see a number of groups. You may also search for the title like ‘website content writer’.
The same applies to other social networking platforms. LinkedIn is particularly a good one, considering it’s a community of professionals. You can find great writers on these platforms.
2. Freelance platforms
The high demand for web content writers made it possible for entrepreneurs to start freelance platforms. This includes freelance marketplaces like Upwork and Fiverr.
I’ll place job boards like Problogger in this group. You basically post your job, writers bid and you pick one that fits your description.
3. Referrals
Chances are you have a few friends with websites/blogs. May of them may be using the services of content writers. Why not save yourself the hassle of finding a good freelance writer when you can get him/her from a colleague? It’s saves your time and enables you to focus on other areas of your business.


Monday 6 May 2019

Get traffic to your website free

Get traffic to your website free

Here’s something I did that didn’t require much effort at all.

One of the last websites I built was a niche satire site that produced humorous content. I leveraged only Facebook (initially) to drive all of the traffic.

The site was just a hobby project. It’s not something I put a ton of work into, but still managed tens of thousands of visits per month just with what little work I put in.

I joined several large, related Facebook groups that I knew would be interested in my site’s content, and that’s where I got about 95% of my traffic. Each blog was shared in 5-10 of these groups, which drove people to like my Facebook page and to the website.

A lot of marketers will tell you to go into Facebook groups and build trust & authority long before you try marketing anything. I didn’t do that.

In this case I was my OWN authority – the only person posting funny content related to the groups, and was an instant success.

If you can be the ONLY person in the group posting something unique to the group, you’re golden.

Also – don’t produce garbage. It should be a no-brainer at this point in marketing.

With my particular niche, my content was highly unique, and therefore highly engaging. Each post would generate thousands of likes, comments, and shares, which only drove more traffic to my site.

This site has been up for about two years and STILL no one has bothered to use the same strategy, which keeps it unique in the space.

The beauty is that I don’t even have to be consistent with my blog posts, because at any time I can just post out of the blue and still get thousands of interactions with it.


Saturday 4 May 2019

make money fast

make money fast
On the internet, there are many ways to make money. But there are some approaches to make money fast. These approaches are effective and quick ways to make money if you use them properly.
People who make money working from home get more extra money than working in offices. This is why a lot of other people turn on working at home to make money on the internet. When you want to make money at home, this means you are not required to spend a lot of dollars in order to start up your own business.
You are probably one of the billions of people who want to get rich. Luckily, you’re in the right track. Let this page help you learn how to make money quick.
First, make sure you have an internet installed in your computer. Make sure to have the time to sit in front of the computer so you could make money online. Then, follow these strategies and learn how to make money on the internet. In only a few months, you can make fast money.
Consider these things to earn money: blogging, affiliate marketing, selling products, website building and clicking. When you do all of these things, you make money on line. So, sit back, relax and after reading this page, you could make money now.

1. Blogging

Writing on the web is a one way to make money quickly. Find a group of writers whom you can work with or create your own blog site. Many sites are available on the internet where you can sign up for free and distribute articles. Some will give assignments to write essays, news and others. But if you want a quick way to make money, create your own site. And if you do, put some add-on items that help you make extra money. A good example is the Google Adsense. Through this, Google will help you generate income since adsense make money. This helps a lot while you are not working online or sleeping. It’s the best way to make extra cash.

2. Affiliate Marketing

You may also want to affiliate with other popular websites so you could make cash. Doing this is very easy. Simply sign up to sites that offer affiliate marketing then advertise or promote products through links so you could make extra money.
When you do affiliate marketing, you make money easy because many of these sites are popular. A lot of people rely on these websites so target visitors are already there. You only need to promote while you make extra cash. And this is one of the secrets on how to make money online.

3. Selling Products

In case you don’t like to use affiliate marketing, you have an alternative option to choose to make money quick. You can make quick money online by selling products. Products are either your own item or merchandise from other people or companies. However, you still make money fast.
When you sell your own products, you do not only generate profit through the amount of the items but also you gain income through the numbers of visitors on your page. This provides you to make money quick and easy.
What if you don’t have a website but you have some products to sell? That’s not a problem. You can sell your items on Ebay.com. This site is a very famous site in money making. Millions of people sell and buy things on Ebay because the site is already known to everybody around the world that provides quick money. For sure, you will be making money quick through this site.

4. Website Building

Want to know more about how to make money on the internet? You can get paid by creating websites to companies. There are groups of people who hire website builders to work via the internet. This is another way to make money on internet.
This is a good paying job if you are expert on html/css skills, graphic designs and other things related to website building. If you have these skills then you can get rich. Companies who offer a job like this help you make money quick.

5. Clicking

You have probably heard about PTC. It means paid to click. A job you can do at home to have quick money. Yes, you can absolutely make money quick just by clicking. Of course, you have the goal to make money quickly. In order to achieve this, try doing this easy job.
Paid to click is a business on the internet that has one main goal. That is to draw online traffic from people who want to earn money. Websites that offer PTC act like middlemen between advertisers and consumers.
Your part here would be the advertiser and you can get easy money by promoting. Paid to click is one of the fastest ways on how to earn money online.
These five things are make money ideas which are shared so you could learn how to make money fast. When you are making money fast, you do not only make money but you make quick easy money. This is the ultimate objective of an online entrepreneur. And if you want to be that successful, you should be able to learn and familiarize how to make money.


Friday 3 May 2019

Ideas To Make Money

Money making on the web is the most effective way to get rich. But there’s a secret on how to make money fast. Whether you’re a beginner or have started to make money online, you should know the different ideas on how to make money fast online. Quick money should be your main objective when you engage working online. To be able to achieve this, learn the various ways on how to make fast money on the internet. Not only that; you should have consistency in working online in order to fulfill your dream.
Let me share to you some great ideas on how to make money fast and easy.

1. Join Project Payday and CashCrate.

Project Payday and CashCrate are two programs that accept any kind of people around the globe to join for free. These programs help you reach your goal to make money on the internet through the training videos they offer. Those videos will surely provide you the maximum information you need to make money quick.
A lot of people have turned to this program, including myself, and is a legitimate way to make money at home. This is the first step I’d made in learning how to make money fast in getting rich.

2. Sign up as a freelance writer.

Being a ghost writer or freelance writer is another good idea on how to make money fast on the web. There is a huge number of websites where you can work as a writer to earn money. Some websites use services where you can join to have access on databases of different companies that hire writers. As you write for their services or companies, you make money working from home.
Some of the best websites you could start with are About.com, Ezine.com, Ehow.com and WikiHow.com. You can use these sites where to learn how to earn money.These mainstream and internet marketing sites would provide you things you need to learn on how to make money on the internet.

3. Sell on Ebay

Ebay is still one of the most trusted sites on the internet today. A lot of people learned how to make money really fast through selling items online. You, too, could make money on internet by selling good through this site. You should try the Ebay For Dummies Starter Kit to help you boost your goal in making money fast. This kit is actually free but you must pay for the shipping and handling fees. But what is $2 compared to make cash for real? Basically, this starter kit for Ebay users provide tops on how to find the best sellers, how to drive traffic to your page, how to get the highest bid. In short, this is how to make money fast for in Ebay.

4. Promote businesses, services and websites.

There are two methods of marketing you should know on how to make lots of money fast. These are affiliate and network marketing.
Affiliate marketing is a method that requires one basic job – promoting websites. You can make fast money based on the commission you get for each click or sale. One of the best sites that offer affiliate marketing is Clickbank. Go to their official website and you’ll find out how to make alot of money fast through this method.
One of the make money ideas that involve promoting is network marketing. You contribute to a particular business by promoting sales or services. You can make money easy through this kind of method in a short period of time. What you only need to do is make money on your sales and on the sales of your distributor. The more distributors you have the more chance of making money fast.
There are also some affiliate programs on how to make money fast for kids. Good example is TheRichKids.com. You could help your children get extra money by joining this program. There are helpful training included. Other site is PaidGamePlayer.com where you kids can have fun playing different games while they make money on line. You should also encourage your young boys and girls to learn on how to make money.

5. Take interesting pictures.

ShutterStock, BigStockPhoto and Fotolia are only few of the websites that let you post and sell pictures to make money. A lot of people make extra money by selling various pictures on the internet. This idea could be another opportunity for you to discover on how to make money online.
If you are good in uploading pictures on Facebook, then this job is easy for you. Hence, you make extra cash. Besides, you only need few minutes to post pictures and you generate money fast.

6. Create your own business on the net.

If your ultimate goal is how to make easy money fast, you should set up your own business online. By integrating the ideas you learned above, you can make money now.
Money making depends on what you do and what you can do. If you could create your own websites and offer information, services or items, then you could make money quick. Then, you incorporate Google Adsense to have a consistent income. A lot of website owners use this program because they know adsense make money.
These six are the ideas you should know on how to make money fast which you can do at the same time. You want to know how to make money fast and you should try these helpful guides.


Wednesday 1 May 2019

secrets to making money fast

secret to making money online fast

Making money fast is the common interest of everybody, especially those who have started to make money working from home through the internet. Everyone can achieve this goal once one learns how to make money.
How can I make money fast? I know that’s the question you have in your mind. A lot of people ask the same thing. If you have the interest to make money on internet, I want you to sit and relax while this page lets you learn how to make money online.
There are five great make money ideas I would like to share to you. You should learn how to make money on the internet through these five ideas.

1. Make money on the internet by selling.

Sell your own products, whether brand new or second-hand items and you could earn money. Sign up for free on websites that allow you to sell goods.
Probably the most popular site is Ebay. You could earn money fast if you can sell great items online. It’s very important to know how to get the highest bid and how to get traffic on auction page.
Another online site for marketing is Etsy. This site site allows everyone to sell handmade products such as crafts. Many people find this site more profitable than Ebay. For sure, you could make money on internet.
For specific product that you could sell to make money online fast is ebook. The website is the place where most people download books. Ebooks are one of the best selling items online. Actually you can buy and sell ebooks online if you think it’s hard to write books for yourself. You could try BestChoiceForEbooks to get the best books you could sell to make money.
Selling is money making in general after all. It’s an easy way you could do anytime to get rich. Sell items as many times as you can and you make fast money.

2. Make money at home by tutoring online.

College students and adults can generate extra money by becoming tutors on the internet. Yes, you can make money online by tutoring. Go to e-Tutor.com, SmartThinking .com or Tutor.com to do this. You can choose the hours, subjects and students you can teach in a week and you will get paid. This is another fast money making guide you could do at home.

3. Make extra money by becoming an affiliate.

Be an affiliate to internet businesses, individual entrepreneurs and companies if you want quick money. By promoting their sites or services and selling their products, you could make fast money once there are sales. You get paid through commission and it’s one way to make money on line.
Affiliate marketing is a method on how to earn money. Anyone is welcome to do this and you can control your time. You can do other jobs while you make extra cash on this one.

4. Make big money fast by creating your own websites.

An optional strategy you could do to make cash is by setting up your own websites. You could sell products, share information and offer services to make money easy.
You can join to a lot of websites for free. Make easy money fast by making your own business on the internet. Many people switch on making money fast by having their own sites set up. If others have done this, you can make this happen, too.
Once you have your own websites, you should learn how to make money fast. There are some great ideas you could do to achieve easy money such as backlink building and Google Adsense.
One of the easiest ways to make fast money is by building backlink. Advertise your sites to various blog directories so you could invite viewers to your pages. Get keywords and make niches if you want quick money as a result. This is how to make money – doing other great make money ideas.

5. Make money fast and easy by incorporating Google Adsense.

Another idea you could add to your site is Google Adsense. This is an ad program you can put in your sites to have money fast. Adsense make money whether you are working or not. Even if you’re away from the computer or sleeping, you are making money fast because of the existence of this program.
By following these ideas, you will be able to figure out how to make money fast. As everybody is turning on this internet jobs to make money quick, you could be able to do these things also. Make money now and continue to make money online as years pass by.

Remember that making money fast should be your main objective if you want to make money working from home. Once you’re used in this industry, you would be able to make money and make extra cash.
