Friday, 29 November 2024

Do your Christmas lights meet safety standards?

According to consumer group Which?, many Christmas lights being sold online may not meet UK electrical equipment safety regulations, making them not only dangerous, but illegal. 

Which? Tested lights from four retailers – eBay, Amazon, Wish and AliExpress. Shockingly, they found 10 of the 12 sets tested failed to meet UK safety regulations. With the price of each set of lights falling below £15, there is worry that the affordability of these could afford to more consumers buying lights with electrical faults or that fall below regulator standards. 

All companies have now removed the lights from their websites, suggesting they take safety extremely seriously. Two sets from both eBay and Amazon failed compliance checks. They were either missing key safety markings or failed to come with instructions. 

The consumer group is now calling for online marketplaces to take more responsibility. In fact, Which? Is suggesting legal responsibility be taken in order to stop illegal and unsafe products from being sold to consumers. 

The risks

According to Berkshire Fire and Rescue, approximately 60% of house fires are caused by faulty electrical goods. 

Some of the lights tested by Which? were found to have easily exposed wires posing a risk electric shock, as well as being a fire hazard. The same lights, sold by retailer Wish were also advertised as being waterproof, but with no evidence found by Which? to back this, the idea of false and misleading advertising when it comes to electrical safety is an extremely worrying prospect. 

Which? Recommend that people buy Christmas lights from the high street or directly from a retailer that they recognise. 

How to stay safe

Which? give some great tips for staying safe online: 

  • Check your lights aren’t damaged when unpacking your decorations. 
  • Look for things like loose wires, smashed bulbs or a broken control box.  
  • If your lights need replacement bulbs, make sure you use the same type when you replace them. 
  • Switch your lights off when you go out and when you go to bed. 
  • Keep your lights away from anything that can burn easily. 
  • If your lights look like they’ve seen better days, recycle them and buy a new set from an online or high street retailer you trust. 

Sue Davies, head of Consumer Protection Policy, said:  

“Cheap Christmas lights could be tempting for many of us trying to save money amid the cost of living crisis – but our latest research shows consumers could be putting themselves in danger due to online marketplaces failing to take safety seriously.  

“The government must make online marketplaces legally responsible for dangerous and illegal products sold through their sites so that people are better protected.” 

The post Do your Christmas lights meet safety standards? appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Thursday, 28 November 2024

Asda’s ‘Winter Warmer’ £1 Meal For Over 60s Is Back!

Asda announced that  it is  bringing back it’s popular cafe ‘winter warmer’ £1 meal deal to support the over 60s this winter, as they continue to face increased financial pressures during the cost-living crisis.

From 1st November until the end of February, Asda are offering people aged 60 and over the chance to enjoy soup, a roll and unlimited tea and coffees for just £1 in any of Asda’s 205 cafes. The retailer first launched Winter Warmers in November 2022 for two months in a bid to support older customers who were disproportionately affected by the spiralling living costs, with 65-to-74-year-olds experiencing a £163 year-on-year drop in disposable income in August 2022. The initiative saw over 650,000 £1 soup meals served, the retailer has extended the deal until February 28th in 2024.

The offer is available all day, every day and will run alongside the Kids eat for £1’ offer which continues to be hugely popular, with more than 2.6 million meals served since its launch in June 2022, and over 180,000 in the last four weeks alone.

The latest figures from Asda’s income tracker reveal that 40% of the lowest earning households are still experiencing negative disposable income in September, meaning that their income does not cover what they need to spend on bills and other essentials.

Ian McEvans, Asda’s Commercial Vice President Fresh and Frozen said: “We know winter is set to be incredibly hard for thousands of pensioners as they continue to worry about how to keep themselves warm in the face of rising living costs and on a fixed income.

“We’ve already served 60,000 meals to the over 60’s in the first two weeks, and since its launch 1.2 million meals have been sold showing the vital need for this initiative. By bringing Winter Warmers back for 2024 and extending it until February we hope it will prove just as impactful across the winter months for those who need it most.”

Selected Asda stores also run a ‘Community Cuppa’ campaign in our cafes by creating space for community groups who may otherwise struggle to meet due to rental costs or high energy costs. Spaces will be available on weekdays in November and December from 2pm to 6pm and all community group members who visit will receive unlimited free tea or coffee.


The post Asda’s ‘Winter Warmer’ £1 Meal For Over 60s Is Back! appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Monday, 25 November 2024

Make Money from donating your Sperm

Some see it as recreation but actually you can make a decent amount of money from donating your sperm.

Healthy sperm from donors that are considered to have good genes and an impressive education are in demand. It’s also not a difficult talk to donate.


Sperm Donation

Some people need to use donated sperm to start a family. This can be for a range of reasons.

  • It may be because of a man producing sperm that is of a low quality, or not enough sperm or that they carry a genetic condition that they do not want to pass on to their child.
  • Single women and women in same-sex couples also need donor sperm to start their own families.

You can also choose to donate your sperm to research surrounding infertility, genetic disease and fertility treatments.


how much can you make from sperm donation?

It is illegal to pay sperm donors more than their reasonable expenses in the UK.

But this doesn’t mean you won’t be compensated for your time and travel.

Sperm donors receive around £35 per clinic visit to cover their expenses.

There is sometimes more available if your expenses for travel, accommodation or childcare are higher than this.


Things you should know about donating your sperm

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about sperm donation:

Can you donate sperm anonymously?

No – the law surrounding donation was changed in 2005.

This means that anyone conceived via the help of a donor can ask for the name of their biological father, his date of birth and his last known address when they turn 18.

Do I have any legal rights or responsibilities for children born through my donation?


Providing you donate through a licensed UK fertility clinic; you won’t have any legal rights or responsibilities to children conceived via donation.

You won’t have a say in their upbringing and no legal requirement to help with their care.

However, if you donate outside of a clinic the situation could become more difficult as you may be considered the legal father of the child.

You can read more about the laws surrounding sperm donation here.


Am I eligible to donate?

Donors should be aged over 18 and under 46.

In some special cases, an older donor may be allowed if the clinic feels it is unlikely that there will be serious consequences from the donated sperm.

You will also need to have various health checks including checking for HIV and Hepatitis. These can take up to six months.

What is the Sperm Donation process?

Personal information:

The clinic you work with will ask you to provide them with some personal information.

Some non-identifying information will be given to prospective parents at the time of donation.

Any children born from your donation will be able to access non-identifying information at the age of 16. When they turn 18, they can apply for your identifying information.

You will also have the opportunity to write a personal description to help potential parents make their decision

Health Tests:

You’ll be tested for certain diseases, including serious genetic diseases before you can donate.

Clinics carefully consider the welfare of the unborn child to prevent them from developing serious medical conditions.

It is also important to tell your clinic about any problems in your or your family’s medical histories as failing to do so could lead to legal action if a child born from your donation inherits it.


The clinic you use is legally required to offer you counselling before you donate.

This is to allow you to talk through the implications of your donation and how it could affect you and your family in the future.


Before you donate you must consent in writing. You can withdraw or change your consent at any time up to the point at which your sperm is used in treatment.


You normally have to visit the clinic once a week for between 3 – 6 months to make your donation.

Once your donation has been collected it will be frozen for use in treatment, research or training.

How To Calculate The Cost Of Your Life Insurance

Can I find out if my donation has been successful?

You can apply to find out if your donation has been successful. You may receive the number of children born, their gender and their year of birth.

You won’t receive any information that reveals the identity of the child.


Can I change my mind?

You can change your mind about your donation up until it is used in someone’s treatment.

This is true even if you have given consent.


What about the emotional impact of donating?

You will be offered counselling before donating to make sure you are comfortable with donating.

You should remember that at some point one or more children born from your donation may contact you and that you need to be prepared for that.

In the future, you may have a family of your own and you’ll need to think about how to broach the subject with them.


What are the next steps?

If you have decided to donate you should find a clinic that is taking on donors. You can find local clinic via this database.

MoneyMagpie are not an affiliated medical company and are in no way advertising fertility procedures. We are however highlighting that money can be made in this area and also highlighting psychological consideration.

The post Make Money from donating your Sperm appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Wednesday, 20 November 2024

How to make money if you suddenly become disabled: Plus New Changes to PIP

Updated 20/11/2024

It’s important to reassess how you’re make money if you suddenly become disabled. You may be able to do what you’ve always done, or your change in circumstances could force a change in career.

Thinking about money might be the last thing you want to do when you suffer a life changing event. But eventually you will need to consider your options. Then work out how long-term sickness and disability will affect your finances and what help you may be eligible to.

It is also worth noting that being disabled can add an average of £1010 a month to living expenses in some cases – so you need to find ways to make more than when you’re working sometimes.

Here is our advice:


Get everything in order

Disability Insurance Form

Start by asking gathering all the essential documents you may need. These must include your employment details and National Insurance number.

If you have private health insurance and are using it for your treatment, you’ll need your membership details. Don’t forget to speak to your insurer before starting treatment to make sure it will be covered by your policy.

If you have income protection and/or critical illness insurance, now is the time to inform them of your circumstances.


Support groups

Support group

Most illnesses and conditions have support groups. These groups can advise on emotional and financial matters, including support available for both you and your loved ones.

Hospitals often have reduced price parking for visitors of seriously ill patients. For out patient appointments, you can usually park for free if you have a Blue Badge, too. Hospitals must publish their parking prices clearly online.

The hospital will not discharge you until they are satisfied you have a safe and accessible environment to return to. Your  home will be assessed by an Occupational Therapist, if necessary. They will advise on any adjustments needed for you to live at home safely and comfortably. The NHS can provide some equipment and your local authority may give you a grant to help with the cost.

Sick pay

Sick man in bed

Regularly inform your employer of your condition and progress if returning to work is the plan. If you’re off work for more than seven days your employer will need a letter from the hospital or your GP. These used to be called sick notes but it are now called fit notes. Your fit note may include information such as when your doctor expects you to be ready to return to work and if that will need to be a phased return or with adjustments in place.

If you’re unable to return to work for longer than a month, you are considered to be long-term sick. In this case, you are still entitled to accrue annual leave.

You may be entitled to full sick pay for a set amount of time; your employment contract or employee handbook will explain the details for your workplace. If you are not entitled to sick pay through work, then you can claim Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). Workers, including agency staff, are paid this by their employer and are entitled to receive it if they have been sick for more than three days in a row (including non-working days such as weekends or days they are not scheduled for shift work). Or if they earn at least more than £123 before tax per week, and have informed their employer that they are sick.

In total, Statutory Sick Pay lasts for up to 28 weeks and is £116.75 a week.

Self employed people are not entitled to SSP unless they are paid via PAYE from a Limited Company.


When sick pay runs out

Unhappy disabled woman

It’s in both your own and your employer’s interests to see what adjustments can be made to help you get you back to work. Your union, if you are in one, can advise you on this.

You can apply for Employment Support Allowance if you are unfit to work and once your sick pay has run out. Apply for ESA if you are under state pension age, are no longer in receipt of Statutory Sick Pay, and are not claiming Universal Credit.

You’ll need to attend a work capability assessment where a healthcare professional to assess your capacity to work. Take your relevant documentation with you from your doctor or hospital. You will be informed of the decision by writing.

There are three possible outcomes:

  1. You are pronounced fit for work and not eligible for ESA, although you can still apply for Universal Credit.
  2. Alternatively, you could be placed in the work-related activity group and must attend regular interviews with an advisor.
  3. Finally, you could be placed in the support group and are not required to attend interviews with an advisor. However, you can attend interviews if you wish. The support group pays a higher weekly amount than the work-related activity group.

You can appeal the decision if you do not agree with it.

There are two types of ESA depending on your past income and national insurance contributions:

  • Contribution-based ESA is payable for a year if you are placed in the work-related activity group and have paid enough national insurance contributions. There is currently no time limit for claiming contribution-based ESA if you are in the support group.
  • Income-related, for those on a low income irrespective of their national insurance contributions.

ESA is paid fortnightly and is either £91.50 a week if you’re under 25 or £138.20 if you’re over 25.

Other benefits

Disabled men high fiving


You may be entitled to other benefits if your income is cut due to sickness or disability. Citizen’s Advice can help you work out what, if any, to apply for. It’s also a free service.

Possible benefits include Housing Benefit such as a council tax reduction if you are responsible for paying the tax and are on a low income. Or Personal Independence Payment (PIP), a benefit to help with the extra costs of physical disability, learning disability and mental health conditions. PIP can be tricky to apply for, which is why charity Turn2Us has launched the PIP helper, a tool to help people apply.

If your partner or any other relative has had to give up their job to look after you, is over 16 and cares for you more than 35 hours a week, then they may be eligible to claim Carer’s Allowance.

If you’re struggling to pay bills such as rent, mortgage or utilities then let the relevant companies know as soon as possible. They may be able to help with a repayment plan or put you on a reduced tariff. Don’t wait until you’re in arrears.


Power of attorney

Finally, disabled or not, it’s in everyone’s interest to consider talking to a lawyer about setting up a legal power of attorney. This will give a named representative power to take control of your finances if you are unable, and they can also make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you are incapacitated. Non-disabled friends and family may also wish to take out income protection insurance themselves, just in case they become sick or disabled in the future.


Useful links – UK Government website – Citizens Advice

The post How to make money if you suddenly become disabled: Plus New Changes to PIP appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Monday, 18 November 2024

Cold Weather Payment Due to Current UK Freeze

If you’re on a low income, or certain benefits, you can get a Cold Weather Payment from the government, as hundreds of postcodes in England and Wales will receive £25 over the next two weeks. 

What is a Cold Weather Payment?

The Cold Weather Payment is triggered if average temperatures hit freezing or below for seven days in a row: payments will be made to homes across north-east England, Cumbria, west Wales and as far south as Oxfordshire, where the lowest recorded temperature was recently –9.7C. 

You can see if you’re entitled to the payment by going here and entering your postcode here. 

You’ll get £25 for each 7 day period of very cold weather between 1 November 2024 and 31 March 2025.

After each period of very cold weather in your area, you should get a payment within 14 working days. It’s paid into the same bank or building society account as your benefit payments. 

The post Cold Weather Payment Due to Current UK Freeze appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Tuesday, 12 November 2024

How to Ethically Make Money With AI Tools

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on everyone’s mind right now – and many are worried it’s coming for their jobs. But there are ways you can ethically make money using AI, so perhaps it’s time to lean into the AI revolution!

MoneyMagpie does not support generative AI for the creation of images or text. This article is about AI tools and not generative AI.

What is AI?

Boost Productivity with AI to Earn More

Invest Using AI

Become an AI Trainer

Use AI to Analyse Buying Trends


What Is AI?

Artificial Intelligence has actually been around for a really long time – well, long in terms of the computer age. Predictive text is AI, for example, as is spellcheck on word processors.

But these days, it can do so much more. Too much, if you’re looking at what it could mean for the creative arts – many writers, artists, photographers and designers are concerned that AI will take over their jobs or has already stolen their work. However, it is possible to use AI ethically to boost your productivity, invest as a beginner, and even market your business more efficiently.

To make sure you’re being ethical when using AI, look at what it is doing for you. Are you:

  • Taking a paid job away from someone else?
  • Using someone else’s work to improve your own (such as images)?

If so, this is not ethical use. However, if you:

  • Are using an AI tool for your own productivity and organisation
  • Use an AI tool to learn more about a subject (always double check your sources, though)
  • Implement AI processes to make things easier for yourself or your staff without taking paid work from them

Then you are using it ethically. With that in mind, let’s look at how using AI tools can help you make money.

Boost Productivity to Earn More

One of the best ways to use AI is in your own life organisation. You can use it to summarise meeting notes, for example, or help with your busy schedule by setting automatic reminders and replies. Apps like Motion have AI integration, making it really easy to coordinate your family life across multiple calendars, for example.

Boosting productivity can come in so many forms. For example, if you use Grammarly to improve the grammar and syntax of your business emails, you’ll spend less time checking through each one. A few seconds saved many times a day adds up, and that means you can get more done. Or, you have more time to think and have a breather, which is good for your mental wellbeing.

AI tools like can seriously streamline your day to day tasks. In fact, it can even turn up to Zoom meetings for you and take notes, sending you a summary. Cloning yourself might not be real yet, but AI tools can certainly make it seem like it’s here! Imagine what you could do with the extra time saved.

Invest Using AI

AI tools have been introduced to the stock market – and mean it could be really easy for new investors to get stuck into investing. Robo advisers, or AI investing apps, use machine learning and algorithmic trend analysis to try and predict the market. Just like any investing, the stock market is a black art not a science, and your investment could go down as well as up.

AI investing apps make it easy to invest in stocks and shares without hefty platform fees – so if your stocks do well, you’re getting more of the benefits for yourself instead of paying the platform. Some apps invest for you while others simply provide recommendations.

We have a full article on investing with AI here.

Become an AI Trainer

AI tools work by learning. This means they need training! If you have patience, being an AI trainer can be well paid and helps improve AI tools. Most people are language model trainers, which means teaching the tool how to sound more natural and human with phrases and words. Others could be AI tool testers, spotting problems and glitches that require fixing – this usually needs an understanding of software development but can be done for later-stage developed tools without a software background.

You can find jobs online at companies such as, where you’ll need to take a proficiency test to see if your experience, language comprehension and knowledge are suitable for the job.

Use AI to Analyse Buying Trends

If you set up your own online store, it’s important to know whether you are selling the right things for your audience. Trends can easily come and go, so it can be hard to keep track of what’s really going to sell. AI tools like Trend Hunter analyse the markets so you don’t have to – saving you tons of time and making sure you know what’s hot for customers to buy.

These tools can work particularly well if you have a dropshipping online shop, as you can be incredibly flexible on changing what you sell to fit trends, because there’s no physical inventory for you to buy and store.

The post How to Ethically Make Money With AI Tools appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Monday, 11 November 2024

Make Money with online competitions

Online competitions are an easy way to earn money from home and win free prizes with very little effort.

Making money online from the comfort of your home might sound like a dream come true, but it’s easier than you think.

Online competitions are fast, fun and free to enter, and your chances of winning big prizes are much higher than you’d imagine.

Right now there are lots of people out there snapping- up all the prizes and free cash you could be winning. But as the saying goes  – ‘you gotta be in it to win it.’


Read on to find our top tips on how to make money from online competitions. But first, if you sign up to the MoneyMagpie newsletter we have a genuine competition every week. 

We also offer a weekly competition on MoneyMagpie and Jasmine Birtles’ Instagram accounts. Make sure you follow us as the prizes are always fab.

All the competitions are free to enter and very easy. We have fantastic prizes like supermarket vouchers, food hampers, jewellery, hotel stays, kitchen appliances and children’s games. Sign up for free here to be in with a chance of entering.

Oh, and make sure to keep an eye on our online competition section where we have a new competition most days!

In this article you will learn how to:


how to win Online competitions

Little boy celebrating behind a laptop that says "Winner" on the screen

Online competitions are easy to enter. Since these are geared towards generating traffic, all they really want is your email address which is easy to provide.

Instagram Competitions

Instagram is a whole world of competition fun. And the prizes can be huge. Even we are in on this with weekly offerings on MoneyMagpie and Jasmine Birtles’ Instagram accounts. Make sure you follow us as the prizes are always fab.

TIPS TO help you win fab prizes in online competitions

Happy man fist pumping

Tip 1: Remember you MUST set up a separate email account to enter online competitions, or you’ll find your inbox clogged up with nasty spam.

Tip 2: Concentrate on reputable brands or companies like supermarkets and packets, jars or tins of food you know and regularly use. Also, check out the magazine site Goodtoknow for their regular fun competitions (mostly aimed at women and families).

Tip 3: Never pay to enter an online competition. If you like browsing through competition sites, stick to ones which offer free entry like these ones:

Pick my postcode!

Free Postcode Lottery Graphic

Pick My Postcode (formerly Free Postcode Lottery gives away free cash every day to one of the postcodes on their list.

There’s no catch; the only downside is that you have to check each day to see if your number has come up. This increases the site’s traffic which helps them get advertising on it.

So if you keep checking the site you could win at least £20 – or £100s if it keeps rolling over!

Take a look at our article about how to make money from your postcode here.

Jumbo Win

Jumbo Win is a new fundraising initiative launched in 2024, which has already awarded over £175k in prizes. Run by the folks at Gatherwell, Jumbo Win hit the UK after making waves in Australia with Oz Lotteries. They’re blending the thrill of winning with the feel-good factor of giving back, offering supporters exciting cash prizes while making a positive impact.

Whilst this is a pay for opportunity, it combines giving to charity with prize winning, where there are weekly winners and a £50k top prize, which will be awarded to one lucky winner on 13th December 2024. Jumbo Win guarantees the cash, no matter how many Golden Tickets are purchased.

So buy your Golden Tickets to enter, the more tickets you have, the more opportunities to land a whopping £50k. For your chance to win, enter here.



GFK Logo

For any television and radio fans, GFK Media Panel is a really easy way to win great prizes online.

Once registered, you simply complete the survey every day and give the television and radio programmes you have watched and listened to a rating.

Your opinions are used by broadcasters to shape future content. So, as well as earning some great prizes, you are also playing an exciting role in developing new content.

By filling completing the surveys, you can earn points to exchange for rewards. The surveys are quick and easy to complete, with at least one available every day.

Click here to find out more about how to win prizes from GFK Media Panel here.



the prize finder

thePrizeFinder logo

The Prize Finder is the UK’s biggest free competitions website and offers you the chance to win cash and great prizes every day.

When you sign up, you’re automatically entered into a free draw and could win up to £500. It really is that easy.

Every day, The Prize Finder lists more free to enter competitions than anybody else, with daily opportunities to win money, cars, holidays and more. 

Click here to find out more about how to win prizes on The Prize Finder.


Competitions in newspapers and magazines

online competitions

Newspapers and magazines run lots of competitions with some great prizes and free cash to be won every day.

These are very similar to online competitions. For the most part all you have to do is visit their website and answer a simple question, or fill out a postcard and mail it in to enter.

Again, you’ll need to register your details as the whole point of the competition for them is to generate traffic and boost subscriptions.

Tip! It’s a good idea to grab free postcards whenever you can to enter competitions where you have to send in your answer. These sort of entry-form competitions take a bit more effort – and therefore have far fewer entrants. So if you do come across them, get your answers in as you have a greater chance of winning.

Don’t be put off by the big ticket items – remember, fewer people enter these competitions believing the odds of winning are slimmer. Check out these current competition providers:




How to win Slogan competitions

Slogan in notebook

Think you’ve got a bit of creative genius in you? Slogan competitions are terrific for the keen comper who’s ready and willing to put in a little more effort.

Companies love to use slogan competitions as a way to market their products at low costs and encourage consumers to think positively about what they’re selling. With most slogan competitions, the sponsor company will begin by having you answer a few simple questions to determine whether or not you’re fit for the task. You may be asked to complete some part of a phrase in an ‘apt and original’ manner.

Once again, because so few people make an effort to enter, slogan competitions are a dream for the avid comper.

How YOU can create knock-your-socks-off slogans:

someone lying on the floor with their sock half off

  • CompersNews monthly newsletter publishes thousands of prize-winning slogans. Have a look at those that have won in the past to help you get an idea of the kinds of slogans that companies look for.
  • Winning slogans typically have rhyme, rhythm or a pun. Go out and grab yourself a rhyming dictionary and a dictionary of English idioms at Amazon, which takes all the hassle out of creating history’s next greatest slogan!
  • Remember that the point of the slogan is to advertise the product in a positive light. Your slogan should always make the product look good.
  • Word limits are key! Slogans that surpass the given word limit will not be considered. Always stick to the competition rules.
  • If possible, enter more than once. But be careful – don’t send in several horrible slogans. Instead, come up with two really good ideas that are different in their approach – for example one that’s clever and witty and one that’s more direct and serious. Be careful to check the terms and conditions of each competition as some specify that you can only make one entry.
  • Remember – the more obscure or difficult the competition, the fewer the entrants and the better chance you have of winning.
  • Join websites like Loquax and CompersNews for free details on upcoming competitions.

So, remember: set up a separate email address for any unwanted junk mail, and enter as many online competitions as you can. The more you enter, the more likely you are to win!


Warning, warning, warning!

scam competitions

Scam Alert stamp

Make sure the competition you are entering is genuine before you enter any of your personal details.

In fact, even if it is genuine, be careful how much information you give them. Most genuine competitions won’t ask for your bank details, National Insurance number or date of birth.

If you don’t know where the competition is coming from and you don’t recognise the company running it (like the MoneyMagpie competitions, magazine competitions or newspaper competitions) then err on the side of caution: don’t give them your personal information.

Nationwide found that seven in ten of us will give out all sorts of personal details in competitions where we don’t know the company offering the prize. This can be dangerous as they can use your details to commit ID theft against you.

Nationwide have produced a video on how easy it is to get people to give their personal details away. Take a look here:

cut down on the spam

phone getting lots of emails

If you enter an online competition you’ll be asked to include your email address. This generally means that your inbox will soon be flooded with spam – lots and lots of it. To avoid this problem all you have to do is set up a separate email account.

Try Outlook (formerly Hotmail), Yahoo or Gmail for a free email account. This can be your ‘competition account’, where everything competition related gets sent. That way your personal email account gets left alone, and you still get the chance to win big prizes. Don’t let the spam win!

Do also note that for some of these competitions you have to give your phone number. Not all these companies give you the choice of opting out of receiving marketing texts etc, so make sure you check the terms and conditions if you hate receiving them.

For genuine offers and real prizes, take a look at our competition section on the website here to find the latest great competition offers.

Sign Up – Newsletter

The post Make Money with online competitions appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


30 Ways to Make Money Online

The online world creates many opportunities, particularly when it comes to making some extra cash. Here are 30 ways to make money online:

  1. Make Money Online Surfing the Web
  2. Cashback Sites to Make Money Online
  3. Make Money Online with Social Media
  4. Make Money with Online Courses
  5. Sell Your Stuff
  6. Online Jobs to Make Money
  7. Make Money Online by Investing
  8. More Tips to Make Money

Make money online by Surfing the web

Make money online surfing the web

We all surf the web on a near daily basis, but you can actually get paid just to do this. Here’s how:

1. Surfing the web

Ipsos is a world-renowned consumer research company. To make money from it, just download the Ipsos Iris app. You’ll need to complete a short 5-minute survey before the app activates. And that’s it.

You’ll get a £10 bonus just for downloading the app – and up to £10 a month every month afterwards. So, without changing anything about your day, you can earn up to £130 a year!

2. Online surveys

Completing online surveys can be an easy way to make in excess of £50 a month. But, it’s not always straightforward. Check out our article explaining the dos and don’ts of online surveys.

3. Review things

You can also get paid to review things online. Companies will send you items to test – and you get to keep the item as well as receive payment for your review.

User Testing pays you to test and review websites – something there is always demand for!

4. Mystery shopper

Mystery shoppers get paid to pose as real customers and review a company’s products or services. It’s a great way to earn some extra cash in your free time.

You can sign up to become a mystery shopper on sites like this.

5. Watch videos

Sounds simple right? Well it is. Sites like Swagbucks will pay you for watching videos.

You earn points by watching videos which can then be redeemed for vouchers for companies like Amazon and Paypal.

6. Competitions

These aren’t guaranteed to earn you money or get you free stuff. But, entering competitions is quick and easy and you may win some great prizes. Just remember to set up a separate competition email address – otherwise you could be inundated with lots of spam emails!

Check out some of Money Magpie’s competitions here.

Win money whilst you do some good with Jumbo Win 

Jumbo Win is a new fundraising initiative launched in 2024, which has already awarded over £175k in prizes. 

Like Omaze, Jumbo Win allows supporters to win cash prizes while giving back to charity and making a positive difference in the community. 

You can buy tickets to enter into their Golden Ticket Prize Draw here. 

The Golden Ticket Prize Draw gives you the opportunity to win a fantastic top prize of £50,000, and the winner will be announced on 13th December 2024, with weekly giveaways in between! 

Each ticket you buy for the provides multiple chances to win incredible cash prizes while also supporting their charitable partner, NHS Charities Together. 


Cashback sites to make money online

These are sites which essentially give you money back for doing your online shopping through their site.

7. Quidco and Top Cashback

Two popular cashback sites are Quidco and Top Cashback.

Not only will you get money back when you shop through them, but there are also referral bonuses. Both sites currently offer a £25 bonus for each referral.

Make money online through Social media

If you find yourself spending hours scrolling aimlessly through social media, why not make that time more productive and start making money from it?

8. Become an influencer

This will take some commitment and won’t make you thousands straight away. But if you have a social media following of 1000+ you could class yourself as a micro influencer. From here, you can start reaching out to brands to collaborate on partnerships. Not all brands will pay you, but you should at least get some free samples.

As your following grows and you become more established brands might start reaching out to you directly and offering a larger payment.

9. YouTube

Much like Instagram, once you start building a following you can start making money from working with brands and promoting products.
You also have the option to make money from advertising revenue. You can qualify for this if you have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in a single year.

10. TikTok consultant

The latest social media trend to take us all by storm is TikTok. Many influencers and brands are still struggling to get their heads round it and make the most of it.

That’s where you come in – if you’re a TikTok wizz. You could other your services as a TikTok consultant and help people grow their accounts.

11. Twitch streaming

Gamers can make money streaming their games on sites like Twitch. Essentially, you get paid to play video games. What’s not to love?

You make money by people subscribing to your channel. The amount paid by your subscribers is split 50/50 between you and Twitch.

12. Start a blog

This will take a bit of work. But, if you enjoy writing, website creation or are simply passionate about a topic, it could prove very lucrative.
You can make money from blogging by running sponsored posts and through advertising revenue. It may help to build up a following before you start approaching brands for sponsored opportunities.

make money online by running Courses

Why not use your existing qualifications and skillset to make money online? Tutoring, selling ebooks and running your own course can be great ways to help others while making some cash yourself.

13. Tutor

Online tutoring is a great way to make some extra cash and is very flexible. You can set the lesson times yourself and work around your own schedule.

You can either set up on your own or join a site like My Tutor. Most sites will expect you to have relevant qualifications – like GCSEs and A Levels – in the subjects you want to tutor.

Another option is to teach English as a foreign language.

14. Sell ebooks

Do you have expert knowledge about a particular subject? From social media tips to ancient history, there will be demand for an ebook about it.
You can write and design your own ebook and sell it online.

15. Start your own course

If you feel you have more to share than will fit into an ebook, you could run a whole course. These are relatively easy to set up online and you can sell them to anyone interested.

16. Translating

You will need to speak more than one language to be able to get work as a translator. But, if you’re bilingual, you can find plenty of work translating documents.

Another option is to be a sign language interpreter. Some webinars and courses need interpreters to help make their content more accessible.

Sell things to make money online

Make money online selling stuff

Selling things is one of the most straightforward ways to make money online. But, don’t worry if you don’t have lots of stuff lying around that you don’t use. There are plenty of other ways to make money from selling things.

17. Sell your stuff

Do you have old clothes in the back of your wardrobe you never wear? Or maybe books (we recommend WeBuyBooks) you don’t read or needed for courses you’ve now completed? Rather than leaving them to gather dust, get some cash for them instead.

Sites like Depop are great for selling clothes, while eBay and Facebook Marketplace are great for selling anything and everything – from books to wardrobes.

18. Sell products you create

If you’re creative, you could consider selling some products you make yourself.

Popular options are handmade jewellery, candles, and drawings. You could also design and make novelty facemasks, as we all need them at the moment!

People always like to buy bespoke products from small, independent brands, so you’re likely to be able to find a market for it.

19. Dropshipping

Dropshipping is when you start an online business and sell products to buyers without ever actually stocking the items themselves. Instead, when a dropshipping store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party – usually a wholesaler or manufacturer – and has it shipped directly to the customer.

This reduces the risk to you as you won’t be left out of pocket from purchasing lots of stock that wasn’t sold.

20. Sell pictures

If you have a knack for snapping the best shots, you could make money by selling your pictures or videos online.
Lots of sites, like Getty Images and Shutterstock will pay you for your pictures.

Online jobs to make money

There are plenty of part time jobs you can do online to make some extra money. Here are a few examples.

21. Shepper

Shepper is a service for businesses across the UK that runs checks on their marketing, retail displays, even rental properties, to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Essentially, you accept tasks to complete. You then get a checklist to make sure you complete everything. This could be as simple as verifying that a property is empty, or performing several checks at a time.

A task pays between £2 and £20. Shepper says you can expect to earn around £10 for a 45-minute task – meaning you can earn £100 in a day!

22. Copywriting

Content is key. Any company with an online presence needs an endless stream of content to post. This is where you come in. As a copywriter, you’ll write materials a firm can use on its website, social media channels and in email correspondence.

23. Web development and social media help

This one’s for techy people. Small businesses are always looking for support setting up their websites and social media channels. You could set up a website for them in exchange for a fee.

24. Virtual assistant

If you’re organised this is the job for you. As a virtual assistant, you’ll be in charge of booking appointments, scheduling meetings, organising calendars and other similar tasks.

You could either apply for a role with one person or company or encourage people to hire you on an hourly basis when they need some extra support.

25. Virtual nanny

A slightly unusual role, but popular at the moment while parents are juggling home schooling and working from home. is placing virtual nannies with families to supervise children from afar.

26. Freelancing sites

These can be great for picking up odd jobs. Sites like Fiverr and Upwork have thousands of listings of freelance opportunities.

Setting up a profile is free and you can start applying for roles as soon as you’ve been approved.

27. Easy online tasks

There are sites that will pay you to do easy jobs online – from things like taking a picture to giving your opinion on a product or idea.
One site which is easy to get started on is Mobeye. You can choose tasks, complete them and then get paid.

Make money online through Investing

Investing isn’t necessarily guaranteed to make you money – your money is at risk. But, it is possible to make money online from investing.

28. Investing

Getting started with investing can be a daunting task – if you’re unsure, it could be worth seeking professional advice.

Some apps, like Trading 212, make investing more accessible and can help you get started more easily.

29. Plum

Plum is more focused on saving than investing, but can also help make you money.

The app runs savings challenges which will help you save more money each month. They also regularly run referral bonuses, where you can get £25 just for getting a friend to sign up too.

30. Matched betting

Again, matched betting is not guaranteed to make you money, but you can make money online from it.
If you’re interested in matched betting, you should check out Money Magpie’s ebook on the topic.

More Money Making Tips

If these ideas have got you wanting more when it comes to making money online – and elsewhere – try these articles next to boost your coffers further!


*This is not financial or investment advice. Remember to do your own research and speak to a professional advisor before parting with any money.

The post 30 Ways to Make Money Online appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Are People Getting the Christmas Bonus From the Government This Year?

If you claim benefits, you may be entitled to an extra £10 christmas bonus this year.

The Christmas Bonus is a one-off tax-free £10 payment made before Christmas, paid to people who get certain benefits in the qualifying week. This is normally the first full week of December. You do not need to claim – you should get paid automatically and it will not affect any other benefits you get.

All benefits, pensions and allowances are normally paid into your bank account. It may show up as ‘DWP XB’ on your bank statement.

christmas bonus

You do not need to claim the bonus – you should get it automatically.

If you think you should get it, but have not, contact the Jobcentre Plus office that deals with your payments or the Pension Service.

Information from

The post Are People Getting the Christmas Bonus From the Government This Year? appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Tuesday, 5 November 2024

“I Made Money as a Naked Cleaner” – Reader Story

Could you have the guts to make money as a naked cleaner? That’s exactly what MoneyMagpie reader Jenny did! We love to hear your reader stories about the most interesting ways you’ve made money, and this one has to be up there with one of the most unusual we’ve had sent in so far.

Jenny saw an advert in the local newspaper. “Easy money for some light cleaning. Must be comfortable being naked.”

The money was excellent – £50 an hour – and she loved cleaning anyway. Why not get paid a great hourly rate to do so? As someone who has always been comfortable in her own skin, it didn’t take much persuasion to enquire about the job.

She set up a profile on the company’s cleaning site to get customers. After a short while, she managed to build a list of regular customers, too. Of course, there are safety concerns about a job like this, but she says she always let someone know where she was going, what time she was starting and ending the shift, and when she got home. Nothing ever got creepy for Jenny, but she said she’d have left any job the instant it got uncomfortable. There was one slightly awkward experience though, when she had been booked to clean for a man… and his mum was also home. “Thankfully I never saw her though, she was hiding upstairs!”.

There were some funny stories to be had, too. “Once, I had a guy book me to clean and his house was really dirty. I was desperate to start cleaning, but he wanted to talk and watch videos about space with me. When I did eventually get to clean and was done, he gave me a cactus as a gift.”

Jenny knew that some people would look down on the job because of their preconceptions, but she says, “It was a legitimate job, and so I always tried to challenge negative perceptions – it’s important to remain open minded.”

She says anyone wanting to be a naked cleaner needs to know some basic facts about cleaning – such as “dust first, then vacuum!”, and they need to be confident in their naked selves. There’s no hiding behind the mop and bucket!

Thanks to Jenny for sharing her story – and remember, if you have a story to share about a (legal) way you’ve made money, get in touch.


The post “I Made Money as a Naked Cleaner” – Reader Story appeared first on MoneyMagpie.
