Thursday 29 August 2024

Get Paid to Translate Online

Did you know you could get paid to translate online? Translation services are an increasingly popular – and lucrative – job, so here’s what you need to know and how you could offer your skills in the translation process.

Ever since the globalisation era began, the search for language skills has been on the rise. Today, with thousands of multinational enterprises worldwide, there are more opportunities than ever in the translating business. Being an online translator means you can offer your bilingual skills to companies and authors looking to translate their content and appeal to a wider audience.

If you happen to be one of those lucky bilingual individuals or you want to work with professional translators and help with the translation process, here are a few ideas to generate some extra cash from online translations and become one of the people that get paid to translate online.

Translation Companies and Platforms for freelance translators

Make money as an online translator using freelance platforms

One way to find online translation jobs and offer out your translation services is to use freelance platforms. These work as a middle-man between companies or individuals needing translation services and professional translators. You post your profile and services, and pitch for jobs advertised. The platform takes a small commission of any work you complete, but it’s a good way to get started in finding new clients. You can also use these platforms to find a translator for your own needs. So where can we hone our translation skills for money?


Fiverr is one of the most well-known freelance platforms in the world. It’s a free and reliable platform with over 14 million users. While the jobs you can find here range from palm reading to IT and marketing services, some of the most common offerings are translating and transcription services. It is easy to set up an account and your fees based on the length of a project or your hourly rate.

To get started with Fiverr, you need to optimise your profile and write a compelling opening statement about your offering (or ‘gig’ – Fiverr’s term for providing services). It takes a bit of effort to get started – but as soon as you snag a client, make sure you get them to leave you a review. As your reviews build, it gets easier to find work!

Another mediator platform between freelancers and businesses, PeoplePerHour runs on a similar concept to Fiverr. Set up a profile that explains your services and rates, and pitch for jobs.

This website also has a section of urgent jobs listed by companies that you can apply for in minutes. Hence, one of the strongest points of this platform is that you can sometimes get work almost immediately.


Lionbridge offers content, translation, testing, and AI services. All these areas come with multiple freelance opportunities for translation servives. With a variety of translation jobs, this platform is another great option to create a new income stream as a freelance translator. According to Glassdoor, Lionbridge pays its translators between £17 to £20 per hour.


Online translation agencies such as Acclaro is a translation service company always on the lookout for new freelancers.

Unlike freelance platforms, Acclaro handles freelancers with experience. This means you can find jobs with a higher rate of pay. It works like an agency, so you get paid by Acclaro rather than individual clients. Most of their vacancies require a literature degree, language qualifications, or previous experience in translation. The salaries Acclaro offers range between £68,000 to £73,000 per annum.

Selling your translation pieces

Perhaps you have an already-translated document that people would be willing to pay money for. In that case, you can increase your income by selling your translation pieces. Being an online translator is as much about creating content to sell as it is finding clients that already have stuff to translate!

A prime example of this practice is the Muller Report case. Although this report was available for free, the Washington Post wrote a book about it and sold it on Amazon. Currently, the report is only available in English and Spanish, both versions having sold hundreds of copies. So, if you have some spare time on your hands, you could also translate the Muller Report in your second language and then sell it online.

However, it doesn’t have to be the Muller Report, it can be poems, songs, short stories, etc.

Look at classical texts, too. They don’t fall under copyright laws anymore (but always check first!). That means you can translate the text, publish it as an eBook or a book, and claim the profits for yourself.

It can be any piece of writing you can find and notice a demand for. Just do your research, be creative, and get those translation skills in action!

Creating a glossary

When you think of being an online translator, you most likely think of large chunks of text awaiting your bilingual skills. Yet, it doesn’t always have to be like that. If you speak two or more languages and have extensive knowledge and vocabulary of a specific field, you can build a glossary.

A successful example of this practice is the IMF Glossary: English-French-Spanish. It focuses on terms related to macroeconomics, money, and accounting, and the new hardcover version sells on Amazon for £57.

However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be career-focused. The topic of your glossary can be any field you have an interest in. Other examples include El Jefe’s English – Spanish Glossary of Basketball terms, the Harry Potter Glossary, Glossary of Stand-Up Comedy terms, Glossary of Surfing Terms and Surf Slang, etc.

As long as you have a clear understanding of your chosen subject in both languages, you can write a glossary about anything!

Translation royalties

If you have confidence in your linguistic abilities, another alternative of making money online is translating a book. Depending on the terms of your agreement with the writer and many like certified translation services, you can claim translation royalties. This way, every time a copy of the book is sold, you receive a percentage of that sale. You can even enter competitions with your translation, and win cash prizes!

Although literary translations can be hard to find, it’s important to be proactive. Writers won’t trust other people with their books unless they know who they are; so, you’ll have to reach out to them.

While getting the first job might be difficult, the rewards are plentiful. One project can be enough to generate money for you long-term, without you having to do any extra work. Hence, it’s worthwhile considering it.

Live translation jobs

Live translation jobs pay more and can be done online through Zoom, too

There’s a growing market for real-time professional translators, too. If you’re fluent in two languages, you can use this to offer your services as an interpreter. From police interviews to joining international online business meetings, there are lots of ways to use your business translation servicess as a live translator.

More jobs are online than ever before, so it’s possible to be an online translator even if you’re not in the same location as someone. This is really useful for things like businesses who want to gain international clients. You can sit on their Zoom calls and directly translate the conversation on both sides to make sure a deal is arranged.

If you want to go into live translation, decide on the type you want to do. Police interpreters, for example, often work as freelance translators working with solicitors and lawyers as well as police stations. The more specialised your language skills, such as a language not commonly spoken in the UK, the higher rate you can charge. If you’re operating as a freelance translator, it helps to set up a website that showcases your skills and niches.

More ideas for bilingual people

If you want to leverage your language skills and you’re not too keen on translation jobs, you can try tutoring and helping with translation assignments. There are millions of people out there who want to learn a foreign language. To reach them, you can simply create an account on platforms like italki or Verbling, which enable students and teachers to come together. All it takes is to set up an account, take a video of yourself for introduction, establish an hourly fee and you’re good to go.

Alternatively, use your translation skills in services like transcription, subtitling, and captions. Some of the main platforms specialising in these services are GoTranscript,, and GMR Transcription.

The average pay on these websites ranges from $1,000 to $4,000 per month and all of them offer flexible hours. So, if translating is not your cup of your tea, there are still various options you can try, to monetize your linguistic competencies. You just have to try! Why? Because imagine being able to speak two languages and to start losing some of your vocabulary… some people would say that you’re bilingual.

More online jobs

To get paid to translate online and provide translation services remotely, is one way to work flexibly from home. There are, however, tons of ways to make money from home! Check out these articles next.

The post Get Paid to Translate Online appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Wednesday 28 August 2024

How to deal with debt with a long-term illness

Are you facing debt with a long-term illness and wondering how you’ll manage your money? Ongoing health issues often mean you end up dealing with unpredictable expenses like travelling to appointments, hospital parking, and prescription charges.

It can be challenging both mentally and physically, and can lead to more stress when you’re already feeling the pressure. These financial extras, as well as time off work and a reduced income, can make falling into debt more likely.

If you’re dealing with a long-term illness and are worried about debt, read our advice on what you can do to deal with your financial situation.


Look at how you can manage your finances

Worried couple working out finances

Create a simple budget to make sure your essential living expenses and care costs are taken into account. You can use our free budget template to get started.

Your budget will help you manage your incomings against your outgoings, so you can concentrate on your health instead of worrying about money. It’s also a good way to discover where you could benefit from saving cash.


Check your Statutory Sick Pay entitlement

Woman receiving a bad diagnosis from the doctor

Some people don’t know that you can get Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for up to 28 weeks if:

  • You’re in work, but can’t attend because you’re ill
  • You were earning an average of at least £123 per week or more in the two months before you couldn’t work

That means you’ll still get paid a specified amount while you’re off work, paid into your bank account the same way you would usually get your wages.

The current entitlement is £116.75 per week for up to 28 weeks. If you’re struggling to keep up with bills or repayments while off work, this kind of entitlement could ease some of the pressure.

Some employers have their own sick pay schemes, so double check with your HR department what you’re entitled to. If you don’t have an HR department, ask your manager, or check your contract.


Use smart ways to reduce your spending

Unhappy disabled woman

Even if you’re already on a tight budget, there are loads of ways you can cut back and save smartly. Use an Ofgem approved switching service to find better deals on your utility bills, look out for free evening and weekend call offers from your phone provider, and find out how to save money on your TV packages.

When it comes to your food shop, you could switch to own brand products or start shopping at a better value supermarket. Cheaper food doesn’t mean losing out on taste!


Claim an income tax refund

Patient in hospital bed

If you’ve had to stop working due to long-term illness, or have reduced hours because of it, you might be able to get a refund of some of the income tax you’ve paid.

It’s worth contacting HMRC to check if you’re entitled to some money back.


Consider ways to increase your income


We’re not talking about getting another job or going back to work when you’re not ready, because your health must come first. If you’re off work long-term because of your illness, or have a low income as a result, there may be some benefits you’re entitled to.

Use the StepChange benefits calculator to check what you could be missing, and look into any pensions, savings or investments you might have. This’ll help to make sure you’ve got as much money coming in as possible.


Try reducing your rent or mortgage payments

Unhappy man such in hospital

If you’re on a low income and renting, you can apply for a council tax discount. If you’ve got a mortgage, contact your lender or insurance provider to see if you have insurance in place that covers your payments while you’re ill.

You might have mortgage payment protection, critical illness cover, or income protection insurance to help you cover payments. However, bear in mind that any insurance pay-out could affect state benefit claims you make.


Get free advice to deal with debt

If you’re struggling to pay your bills, use the Stepchange online Debt Remedy tool here for advice and practical solutions to deal with your debt, or give their advisors a call.

They will talk through your finances and give you free and impartial debt advice, as well as recommend a debt solution tailored to your situation.

Also, sign up to our free debt help emails here. They will support you as you work to pay off your debts and get better.


Sign Up – Newsletter

The post How to deal with debt with a long-term illness appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Monday 12 August 2024

Make Money with Spicy Romance Books

Romance books have always been a popular genre – but ‘spicy’ books have a new and massive readership thanks to several high-profile books lately (Sarah J Maas, we’re looking at you). If you’ve always wanted to make money writing books, and you have a creative imagination, this could be a great way to make money. Here’s your total guide to writing erotica, PG romance, and everything in-between!


What is Romance as a Genre?

Romance writing spans a very broad spectrum of types of books. There is one obvious common theme: people fall in love. But other than that, almost anything goes!

A recent boom in ‘romantasy’ blends romance with fantasy books, and this has introduced a whole new generation to romance writing (and reading). But there are lots of different types. You can either self publish or traditionally publish, depending on how quickly you want to make money and how much control you want over the publishing process.

How Spicy Do I Need to Be?

‘Spicy’ is a term used for erotic writing that is graphic and/or explicit, while more ‘traditional’ romance is often called ‘closed door’. It means you get hints of what happens, but most is left up to the reader’s imagination as it happens ‘behind closed doors’. Spicy books are often very explicit, so you need to be comfortable with writing R-rated things!

The good news is there are audiences for all levels of ‘spice’. So, if you’re not comfortable writing explicit sex scenes, you can still make money writing romance books.

How Do I Write a Romance Book?

While it is now easier than ever to publish your writing thanks to eBooks and platforms like Amazon and Apple Books, you still need to put in the work if you want to make consistent money from your romance writing!

Here are a few important things to consider.

Read, Read, Read!

First of all, before you even set pen to paper or fingers to typewriter, make sure you know your genre. Get your hands on a library card, or sign up to a free trial of Kindle Unlimited, and read as much romance fiction you can get your hands on. This is the best masterclass you can take when you’re learning how to write romance novels.

Pay attention to common themes and tropes, what you like to read and what turns you off (pun intended), and this will help you shape an idea of what kind of romance writer you want to be. It will also show you what is a bit too commonly seen, the bad kinds of tropes you want to avoid, and hopefully spark ideas about how you can tackle them in a fresh new way.

Romance Book Length

Romance is usually between 50,000 words for commercial (‘chick lit’) up to 80,000 for historical romance. Romantasy books that blend romance and fantasy genres are generally longer, up to around 100,000 words, but it doesn’t have to be that long.

You can also try your hand at short reads. Amazon Kindle determines the length of a read by the page numbers – you can’t set this in your upload metadata, but generally if you stick within certain page limits you’ll come up in the right search filters.

The rough page count for short reads would be:

  • 15 minutes – 1 to 11 pages
  • 30 minutes – 12 to 21 pages
  • 45 minutes – 22 to 32 pages
  • One hour – 33 to 43 pages
  • 90 minutes – 44 to 64 pages
  • Two hours or more – 65 to 100 pages

This is book pages, rather than number of pages in word. A book page is around 280 words. So, a 30-minute read at 15 pages long would be around 4,200 words. These short stories do particularly well when enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, which is ideal for new writers to build their brand – the returns are smaller, but more people are likely to read your book.

You Need a Plot

Romance isn’t just about people falling in love and doing rude things to each other! Readers of romance love the story of why people fall in love, out of love, and even when they’re torn between loving two people. Plot is very important in romance books, but there are some key moments most will have, including:

  • A meet cute of the couple-to-be
  • A honeymoon phase
  • The problem turning point (do they have a spouse or partner already? Does someone else come into their lives? etc)
  • An argument between the lovers
  • Either an ending where they get back together for good (known as a happy ever after) or at least in the short-term (called ‘happy for now’)

Think about what it is that makes people fall in and out of love. Spicy books are great at focusing on the physical elements of relationships, but romance readers are a smart audience and they’ll want more than surface lust to keep them reading. Working out who your characters are, what their aim is and the obstacles they face to get to it, and why they end up in love are all important plot points you need to include.

Think About Your Audience

It helps to have a clear audience in mind before you start writing. This will impact the tone of your writing, how explicit you are with intimate scenes, and the type of plot you will write. For example, some older readers prefer classic Mills and Boon ‘gentle closed door romance’ while there is a growing trend for women in their 20s and 30s to enjoy particularly ‘spicy’ novels. Having a couple of ‘ideal readers’ in mind when you’re writing will help you stay on track and focus the ‘brand’ of your book.

Pick Your Protagonist Well

Your main character needs to be someone who is a go-getter, even if they are naturally timid. They need to have a reason to change across the book – this could be because they have moved from a village to a city (or vice versa), have a new job, go on holiday or similar. A change in circumstance and/or location is usually what makes characters seek out new things – and that’s what drives the plot of a romance book.

While your character can be anyone, generally your protagonist will be female, as the majority of romance readers are women. You can have male or non-binary perspectives, but there is a smaller niche for them. Many romance authors like to do ‘dual POV’ or dual point of view, which means you write one chapter in your protagonist’s voice and another in the antagonist (or second protagonist) voice and alternate through the book to give different perspectives. This is particularly useful for telling the story in a broader way, rather than sticking in one character’s head – but it can be tricky to do, so takes some practice.

If you decide on dual POV, be very careful not to ‘head hop’. This is when you change internal thoughts from one character to another in the same scene. It is confusing for the reader! So stick to one scene, one person’s inner thoughts – then you can always change the character in the next scene.

Find a Proofreader

Before you publish or send your book to an agent to get published, you need to have someone else read your book. There are different types of editors, costing different amounts. A developmental editor is very deep-dive and will work on the structure and story of your romance novel. A copy editor or line editor will improve how your sentences flow and fact-check things to make sure you don’t make any glaring mistakes. The cheapest option is a proofreader, who reads the book and highlights your spelling and grammar errors.

It might feel hard to pay before you get any income from your book, but if you’re the only person reading it you can easily miss errors because you’ve been staring at the same pages for weeks! A good proofreader will help you bring your book up to standard. It’s important for whether you are self publishing or sending to an agent.

First, with self publishing, it is important to avoid spelling and grammatical errors which can put off your readers – and with platforms like Kindle Unlimited, you’re paid by the number of pages that are read. So you want people to keep reading!

Secondly, if you want to be noticed by a publisher or agent, you need your manuscript to be in the best shape possible to get their attention. Mistakes can stop them reading and reject the book, which means you’ll have to start the long query process all over again.

Do I Need an Agent to Publish My Romance Novel?

Yes or no! There are two reasons both answers are true.

Self publishers don’t need an agent – they can publish whatever they want, whenever they want. But as we talked about earlier, they also have to do all the marketing and business side of selling romance novels, too.

Some traditional publishers, like Mills and Boon (read more below) will accept book submissions from someone who doesn’t have an agent. There aren’t many places that do this, and they’re very competitive, but it is a way in to the industry if you can get it.

Most traditional publishers will only take submissions from an agent. This means you need to get literary representation before you can think about publishing. This tends to be more for commercial women’s fiction or high-profile genres like romantasy.

Where Can I Publish My Romance Book?

You can choose to self publish your book on platforms like Amazon, or traditionally publish to get your book into shops. There are pros and cons to both.

Self publishing gives you total control over what you write, when it is published, and you receive a higher percentage of sale revenue. However, you also need to design your book cover, run your PR, and continue to market the book once it is published, all of which can cost money and take a lot of time to learn and carry out. You don’t get an advance payment with self publishing, so you need some funds to get started.

Traditional publishing is historically more ‘prestigious’, but that matters less these days. However, you will have an editor and marketing team behind the book if you manage to sell it to a publisher, so you don’t have to do everything as you do with self publishing. You will also be paid an advance if you sell the book, but make a smaller percentage on royalties.

Publishing on Amazon

It is very easy for anybody to self publish on Amazon and similar platforms. You need to have a finished book that is in a book format – software like Vellum can help you with this, or there are Word templates online you can use. Many authors enjoy using Scrivener, which has some helpful preset templates and can be exported into various formats. If you’re a member of the Society of Authors, you can get a 20% discount on the software – plus they do a free 30-day trial for everyone.

You need a few things before you can hit publish:

  • A book cover
  • A back blurb (the short description on the back of the book to entice readers)
  • The manuscript
  • An ISBN number (two if you plan to allow for physical copies to be purchased)
  • Social media art for promotion
  • Short descriptions for meta data
  • A list of keywords that relate to your book to help people find it in searches

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is the most common platform for new writers to start on. There is a helpful tutorial on the website, and lots of YouTube videos for more in-depth lessons about the nuances of promoting your romance book.

Publishing Mills and Boon Books

If self publishing sounds too complicated, or you want the prestige of being a traditionally published author, Mills and Boon are the most famous name in romance. The brilliant news is that you don’t need to have an agent to submit to them – which is very unusual in the world of traditional publishing!

There are some guidelines to follow before you submit. Read their submission guidelines on the website – and make sure you know which imprint you want to submit to, too. Different imprints are like different brands underneath the Mills and Boon umbrella, and they each have a distinctive voice, audience, and types of story.

Mills and Boon Modern – has a hero willing to take charge, but the heroine has a feisty side to her. Think international glitz and glamour for this series.

Mills and Boon True Love – this series is about relatable women and deeply desirable men, without graphic scenes but intense emotion and tension.

Mills and Boon Medical – the clue is in the name here, with medical settings taking the foreground, and dedicated medical professionals with hearts of gold who work together.

Mills and Boon Historical – every time period up to the 1950s and every level of spice is accepted, with dynamic characters who have relatable conflicts

Harlequin Books

Mills and Boon also have Harlequin books, which is another type of novel. They are more cross-genre than the above imprints. The Intrigue submission guidelines state that books with thriller storylines around 55,000 words are welcomed. The Suspense submission guidelines state that imprint is for more complex, sustained suspense romance stories around 70,000 words long.

Getting Started Resources

The internet is your friend! There are so many amazing YouTube channels and podcasts and Substacks, it’s too many to list, but these ones are great for beginner writers – some are romance-specific, while others help you learn more about the craft of writing and also self-publishing.

YouTube Channels

Podcasts, Websites, and Newsletters

Keep an eye out for the next in this series, which will be all about how to create an author brand to sell more books!

The post Make Money with Spicy Romance Books appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Wednesday 7 August 2024

20 strange ways to make money

Updated 7th August 2024

Would you like some strange ways to make money to liven up your weekend??

Are you a bit bonkers yourself?

A bit out of the ordinary?

Not your usual Joe?

Then these are just the money making ideas for you.

At MoneyMagpie we’ve got loads of articles on ways to make money, but these are the ones which are just plain weird…and frankly, we like ’em!

Oh, and if this tickles your fancy, check out 10 more strange ways you can make money!


1. Make Money Being a Friend

Young female friends hugging

The first of our list of strange ways to make money is a money making opportunity you probably haven’t heard of: being a friend.

Yes, there are people out there who will pay you a fee to be their ‘friend.’

What does it involve?

Whatever the person wants – whether it be someone to show them around the area, to go the cinema with, a workout buddy, an instructor or even a wingman!

If this sounds like an interesting way of making money you should sign yourself up to Rent a Friend.

It’s absolutely free to join and you keep 100% of everything you earn, only people looking for a friend pay.

People tend to charge anything from £5 – £30 an hour for their time, so there is good money to be made.

Click here to find out more about making money being a friend.


2. Make Money Taking Part in Clinical Trials

Docotor giving young woman medication

Did you know you can earn over £4,000 taking part in clinical trials?

It comes with risks, but it can help researchers break through with new medication that helps loads of people. You might participate in a short term trial, like ‘flu camp’, which is residential – or a longer term trial over a few years.

Most clinical trials are Phase One drug testing, meaning you’re one of the first humans to try a drug.

So if the idea of being a human guinea pig fills you with terror, then this isn’t the thing for you.

But if you understand the risk and are still happy to go ahead with it, there is certainly money to be made. You can earn anything from a few hundred pounds to a few thousand pounds for a few days’ testing. For example, Trials4Us do clinical trials, from £150 to attend a medical checkup for high blood pressure to £2850 for testing a drug to aid alcohol addiction. FluCamp runs trials in London for £4,400.

You might need to be an otherwise healthy person to volunteer, or you could be a subject if you have a particular condition.

Click here to find out more about making money taking part in clinical trials.


3. Make Money Playing Video Games

Happy family playing video games together

If you’re a big gamer then making money playing video games is probably the ultimate dream.

But it doesn’t have to be just a dream.

There are, in fact, several ways you can make money playing videos. Some of these ways will just supplement your income, but others can be full time money makers. One of the easiest and low-demand ways is to play games online for sites like Swagbucks.

If you just want to make a bit extra money from your hobby, why not set up a gaming blog? You’ll be able to put some adverts on it so once it begins to get a lot of visitors you’ll start to make money.

Or, if you prefer making videos to writing up articles, you can upload videos to YouTube or and see how much you can make there.

If you want to make serious money with video games, though, then why not become a video game tester with a starting salary of £18,000?

There’s also the chance to win BIG money in e-sports tournaments (the largest prize pool to win from is $40m) but you have to be incredibly good to win!

Click here to find out more about making money by playing video games.

4.. Make Money Selling Breast Milk

Breast pump and bottles with mother breast feeding in background

Admittedly this isn’t something that everyone can do – at least half the population (men) are already unqualified for it!

But when it comes to strange ways to make money…this is pretty high on the list!

Yes, amazingly, you really can make money selling your breast milk.

The World Health Organisation has said that the best food for a new born infant is breast milk from another healthy mother if the infant’s mother cannot breast feed herself, which has resulted in a demand for healthy breast milk.

You’re able to donate to UK milk banks but you won’t get paid for this, or you can sell your breast milk online.

Sites like allow you to post an ad online and wait for a response from someone who requires breast milk.

You can make good money as well, at the moment four fluid ounces of milk are being sold for £15.

There are genuine concerns, however, about people who buy breast milk online. Buyers are rarely sure of the health of the mother they’re buying from and so risk getting milk contaminated by drugs or infections

Click here to find out more about making money selling breast milk.


6. Make money sleeping

Couple sleeping comfortably

Could you imagine getting paid to sleep?

How brilliant would that be?

Well some lucky so and so’s get to do just that, and they’re called bed testers.

Bed testers get to test out a whole range of beds, often luxury ones, and then give a verdict based on the night’s sleep they had.

We’re really including this one for a bit of fun because it’s really hard to become a full time bed tester – as you can imagine, it’s very competitive!

Most people were first introduced to the idea of being a bed tester after Hotel Chatter put out a call in 2006 for a professional to test their 25,000 beds.

Could you imagine? Well, we can always dream (although, unlike bed testers, we won’t get paid for it!)


7. Make money testing food…yes, even chocolate

Silly woman holding chocolate

Getting paid to test food sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

And, unlike getting paid to sleep, it’s something you have a good shot at actually being hired to do.

As a food tester, research companies are interested in getting your views on food products.

Once you’ve tasted the food you’ll be asked to give your feedback on the product – this might be as part of a focus group or you might simply just have to give it a score in a questionnaire.

In between each food sample you’ll be given a palette cleaner, such as a cracker and water, so you’re ready for the next taste.

Tests tend to last around an hour or two, but maybe slightly longer if you’re taking part in a focus group.

You’re not going to make a career out of it, it’s really just a nice way to supplement your income, but you can earn between £5-£55 depending on whether you’re just completing a questionnaire or if you’re taking part in a focus group.

Click here to find out more about getting paid to test food.


8. Make money donating sperm and eggs

Man holding sperm donation pot

Selling sperm or eggs might sound desperate, but it’s perfectly legal in the UK to do so.

If you’re a man, well, frankly it’s easy money! It could even be described as a leisure activity.

The only requirements are that you should not have any history of sexually-transmitted infection, or a personal or family history of inheritable disorders. You must also undergo medical screening, including a HIV test.

Be aware that you may also be turned away if your sperm quality isn’t high enough (don’t take it personally!)

According to the HFEA you can’t technically be paid for donating sperm, but you are given £35 per donation to cover expenses.

Egg donation, however, is a much more serious procedure…and not a lot of fun.

The egg donor must be between the ages of 18 and 36 and, before the donation takes place, a donor will have to undergo screening to limit the chance of genetic abnormalities and sexually-transmitted diseases.

If you’re found to be suitable to donate, you’ll be matched with a couple who have infertility issues. You’re then given fertility drugs to administer at home; these stimulate the ovaries into producing a number of eggs.

The HFEA has capped the amount you can make for egg donation at £750, hoping that this will only encourage people to give eggs out of altruistic intent and not because they need the extra money.

Click here to find out more about making money donating sperm and eggs.


9. Make money by queuing

People lined up in a queue

Have you ever been told you don’t get paid to stand around and do nothing?

Well, here’s a job that genuinely pays you to do just that – getting paid to queue (or line sitting).

How does it work, you ask?

Well, we’ve all seen the long queues as people wait in line to be the first to get their hands on the latest Apple product, sometimes even enduring a whole night of rain. Chances are at least one of those people would have paid you to take their place.

Equally there are many people who would love to get the latest iPhone or concert tickets but can’t because they have work or family commitments. They may well be willing to pay for your line sitting services.

Despite success in the US, it’s still a relatively unheard of practice in the UK so you’d be leading the way with this money making opportunity.

You’d be able to set your own price, either at a fixed rate or an agreed amount per hour/half hour. For example, you could charge a fixed rate of £100, or agree on £6 an hour.

Click here to find out more about making money queuing.


10. Make money watching TV

People watching tv

Ok, unlike the last point, this is a slightly misleading title.

You can’t make money JUST by watching TV, but there are certainly ways you can incorporate watching TV into your money making process, and that’s pretty cool right?

For example you could make money by giving your views on the latest television programmes by joining a focus group or taking part in relevant online surveys. You could even set up your own blog reviewing the latest TV programs.

There’s loads of other ideas of as well, so click here to find more ways to make money watching TV.


11. Make money selling your hair

Woman cutting her hair

This one isn’t really that bonkers, but it sounds strange at first – you can make money selling your hair.

Despite huge scientific progresses, we still haven’t found a cure for baldness so wigs, hair extensions and hair pieces are still in high demand.

You’ll need at least 6 inches of hair and it must be clean, healthy and shiny – any damaged hair will not be accepted.

If you’ve got an unusual natural hair colour then you can get more for it, although remember to speak to a wig seller to find out the price before cutting your hair. It’d be awful to lose all that hair only to find out you don’t like the price!

Prices vary, but some wig sellers will pay up to £200 for your hair, so there is potential money to be made.

Click here to find out more about making money by selling your hair.


12. Make money from misery

Unhappy woman sat at her desk

If you’ve had a real life horror story then you can make money selling it either to a magazine or newspaper.

We know that might sound callous at first but we all know the saying ‘When life gives you lemons…’

For a good, unpredictable story newspapers will pay between £200 – £2,000. In fact one of our readers managed to get £2,200 for their story.

You could go on to do more. If you can help others, why not write a self-help book?

Click here for more ways to make money from misery.


13. Make money beekeeping

Bee keeper

Why not become a beekeeper and make money selling the honey?

Maybe you can think of several reasons not to – the fear of getting stung or not having the first clue how to start.

But it’s a good money maker because it’s also vital to the environment. We need good bee keepers to help act against the number of bees dying all around the world.

You don’t need loads of room or time to be a beekeeper, in fact professional beekeepers can get away with inspecting their bees only once a month.

However, you’ll just need to put some initial time investment to learn everything you need to know about bee keeping. It’s important to know the very best way to keep bees as some amateur owners have harmed their bees by not knowing the ins and outs of caring for them properly.

It’s not a quick money maker either. It can take more than one season for your bees to start producing honey, but once they do you can begin to sell it.

You won’t just be making money, you’ll be helping the environment and, who knows, you might discover a new passion.

Click here to find out more about beekeeping for money.


14. Make money as a life model

Male life model

If you’re not sure what life modelling is, it’s modelling nude as artists paint or sculpture you.

So, first off you’ve got to decide whether you’re comfortable standing nude in front of a load of strangers…while you’re starkers…it’s not for everybody!

Don’t worry if you don’t think you’re in perfect shape though, this is about interesting and real body shapes so don’t be put off if you do want to give it a go – plus you’ll hopefully end up with a beautiful sculpture or picture of yourself.

You’re paid an hourly rate – the average rate is £10.63, although in London it’s £11.11.

Click here to find out how to make money as a life model.


15. Make money collecting

Barbie doll collection

There’s nothing particularly weird about making money collecting certain items and selling them on at a profit so you might wonder why this one is in our list of strange ways to make money.

Well, there are very strange and surprising things you can collect to make a profit.

For example, did you know you could make money collecting Disney DVD and blu-rays?

Or would you have thought you could make money collecting Barbie dolls?

Other weird collectibles include piggy banks, Lego, comics and action figures.

You’d be surprised just how many ways you can make money collecting.


16. Make money SELLING SELFIES

Women taking a selfie

Instaprints makes it easy for you to get paid for your Instagram selfies. Just link your Instagram profile with your Instaprints account and get paid for pictures you’ve taken… and of yourself! Be aware that anyone can buy them and you can’t say how they will be used – but mostly they are used for prints or photo-books.

With Instaprints you can set your own rate and they will handle all the shipping and printing to customers. You can earn anything from a few pounds up to £50 per image… definitely a bit weird but worth checking out!


17. Make money BUYING GOLD

Investing in gold

Want to avoid inflation-busting cash crashes? Put your money into gold via the smartphone app Glint. Not only can you buy gold which is stored in a real vault in Switzerland, you can also spend it too using a specially made debit card.

You’ll avoid any decreases caused by inflation and you can switch your gold into an actual currency at any time if you’re worried about its value.

It all works in the way of a normal bank, and your gold and money are protected. The Financial Conduct Authority audits Glint.

So, feel like you want to buy some gold? Get downloading the app on the Apple App Store or Android Store, and get your new debit card delivered in just a few days.

Find out more about investing in gold here. 



Recycling ink cartridges

Everyone wants to help the environment, and everyone has empty ink cartridges lying around their home or workplace. But, instead of chucking your empty ink cartridges away, why not recycle them instead?

Printer Cartridge Recycling pays people for each one they receive. You’ll get cash depending on the ink cartridge you’ve sent. A minimum threshold of £5 must be reached in order to send the cartridges to them.

Alternatively, you can send them to the Recycling Factory. All you have to do is box up your cartridges and send them Free Post to the company. They’ll sort out the rest and pay you.



Selling your photos

Snapped a really cool shot? You can earn money easily through Adobe Stock.

Each time someone purchases your photo, you’ll get a 33% commission. If it’s a video, you’ll get a 35% commission. You have to reach at least $25 in royalties before you can request a payout through either Skrill or PayPal.

So, if you’re an avid photographer or think you’ve just snapped something pretty neat, this one might be worth checking out.

Find out more about selling your photos online here. 



Cute little pug

Fiverr is a unique website in that you can get paid to do just about anything. You might get $5 for posting a photograph of your dog. Or, they may want you to buy a fridge magnet from wherever you are.

The site does offer more traditional paying services too such as freelance writing or graphic design. Nonetheless, you can be paid for doing pretty much anything.

It’s worth checking out if you’re short of cash, planning a holiday or just want to earn some extra money on the side.


Bonus money-maker – Make money selling pictures of your feet

Yes, you read that right, you can make money selling pictures of your feet!

It’s a bit of a ‘fetish’ thing, so you’d need to feel comfortable before going ahead, but if you’re proud of your feet and want a bit of extra money, this might be one for you.

You can use a site like FeetFinder to sell pictures of your feet. FeetFinder has over 150,000 verified users, where all models are ID verified and all buyers must add a card to use the site in any way, and to beat the scammers: with FeetFinder you’ll also have to pay – as a foot model – a monthly subscription of $2.99, but for that, the site will do all the marketing for you. 

Find out more about making money from your feet here. 

Which of these money makers are you going to try? What’s the most bonkers way you’ve made money? Let us know in the comments below.

The post 20 strange ways to make money appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Monday 5 August 2024

‘Ask for Ellen’ returns with free crumpets this Summer

‘Ask for Ellen’ – return of  free crumpets this Summer

The school holidays can be daunting for parents. It’s a time of great fun, quality time with the kids and amazing memories. But all of this can feel overshadowed by the cost of living continuing to bite. 

Being away from school means free school meals are put on pause and costs can stack up for parents. Food, energy and entertainment costs for six long weeks can put a strain on our wallets. Previously, Morrisons partnered with Heinz for the campaign ‘Ask for Henry’, where people could get a free meal of a jacket potato and beans. Since then, Warburtons have again partnered with the supermarket giant to launch another ‘Ask for Ellen’, to give support to families throughout the school break. 

Ask for Ellen

Simply ‘Ask for Ellen’ at any Morrisons café and you will receive a portion of two standard crumpets, with butter and jam for free. No questions asked, just delicious food for you and the kids. The initiative is named after founder Ellen Warburton, who established the brand in 1876. 

Ask for Ellen runs from Aug 5 to Aug 25 and will be available to everyone, all day, every day. T&Cs apply. Morrisons will also continue to ruin its Kids Eat Free initiative in its cafes, where little ones can receive a free meal with the purchase of an adult main worth £4.49 or more. 

The Warburtons Foundation 

Research by The Warburtons Foundation found that a staggering 64% of parents are worried about the increased costs of their child being at home for the summer. The survey of 1,000 parents of school-aged children also found that parents think the school holidays will cost them almost £200 extra over the six weeks, due to childcare and family activities. Seventy-one per cent of respondents said they are preparing themselves to buy more snacks than normal to plan for day trips and activities to keep children fed on the go. 

The research also revealed the added financial pressure facing families as schools break up for the summer. When questioned about the typical six-week break, 58% of parents suggested they will have to contend with additional childcare costs as they juggle work and their kids. 

Chris Strong, Morrisons Café Senior Buying Manager, said: “We are thrilled to collaborate with Warburtons to bring this fantastic campaign to life once again. Whether you’re a traditional butter fan or prefer some chocolate spread on your crumpets, we’re excited to introduce five additional tasty toppings this summer so everyone can enjoy their favourite.” 

Jonathan Warburton, Chairman of Warburtons, commented: “As a family-run business, we have always fostered a strong sense of community. That’s why we are so proud to bring back ‘Ask for Ellen’ for a fourth time. Since launching last year, we will have served almost half a million portions of crumpets, including the 100,000 portions this summer holiday.”



The post ‘Ask for Ellen’ returns with free crumpets this Summer appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Thursday 1 August 2024

Grants for the Summer Holidays 2024

Grants for the summer holidays could make a huge difference to families who need extra support while school is off.  The summer holidays are a fantastic time for many kids but can be so daunting for so many parents. With food poverty rife and the cost of living crisis still in full swing, people need help. The good news is there are many organisations who deliver food and other services to help  over the summer holidays. You can get in touch with any of the following organisations who may be able to offer you support:


If your children are school age and receive free school meals during term times, you may be worried about food and other costs while they are on holiday. Find out what help might be available, depending on where you live in the UK here.  Turn2Us grant finder helps you work out what you might be entitled to both for benefits and local grants – you could be surprised at what’s on offer in your area, so definitely give it a look.

You may also be able to get extra help for childminders during the summer holidays, check your eligibility on the Gov website.



Grants for the summer holidays

Grants for the school holidays aren’t only about feeding your children and covering the basic necessities – supporting mental wellbeing is just as important (if not more) for those living in financial crisis. Families struggling financially, or facing illness, isolation or bereavement, will have an opportunity for a weekend break. If you have a support worker, health visitor, or even teacher who can support your application, the Family Holiday Charity might be able to help.


As ever, Olio is worth perusing because there are thousands of items being given away daily. You’re bound to find something you need to ease the summer hols. Get food and drink to everything in between. All perfectly good, unwanted food being given away to reduce food waste. Everything shared on OLIO is for free. Visit their website for more information and to download the app.Another great app to use is called Too Good To Go. Restaurants, supermarkets and cafes will list items at the end of the day which will otherwise be thrown out, despite being perfectly good to eat. The prices are massively reduced, and it’s a good way to do your bit to help reduce food waste too. It’s a bit of pot luck as to what you can get, but if you live in a city or town it is likely you will be able to claim items most days.


trussel trust

The Trussell Trust operate the largest network of foodbanks across the UK. You can search for your nearest food bank via their interactive map. You can also talk to your local authority about accessing a food bank and also receiving food vouchers or hardship emergency grants if you’re in dire straits and unable to feed your children.


Grants for the summer holidays

IFAN are the UK network for independent food aid providers. They support and connect a range of independent frontline food aid organisations while advocating on their behalf at a national level.

They have mapped 834 independent foodbanks. Please visit their website for more information here.


Feeding Britain are running a network of emergency food programmes across the UK. This protects children and their families from hunger. Hot meals and food packages are being made available through a combination of home deliveries and collection points. This ensures families on low incomes can put breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the table each day. You can find out more via their website here.

Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Since 2018, the Government has run a scheme to support families with food and activities during school holidays. This is mostly support for low-income families and those entitled to free school meals. but some things are available for all children. The scheme is run by local authorities in England, so you will need to check your council’s website for more details. If you can’t find the information online, check with your child’s school as they may have the contact information you need.

The post Grants for the Summer Holidays 2024 appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


How to make money when you’re unemployed

Unemployment sucks. It takes forever to find a job these days! Being unemployed affects our mental health, self-worth – and financial situation. Bills occur every month even when you have no income!

The good news is that there are ways to make money whilst unemployed! This buys you a bit more time to search and land a role suited to your background. There’s no need to panic and grab the first opportunity that comes your way!

If this situation sounds familiar and you are in desperate need for a quick cash fix as the job search continues, take a look at the following ways to make money when you’re unemployed.


Sell items online

girl using laptop surrounded by clothes to sell
Selling unwanted items on the likes of eBay and Amazon is a great way to earn some money whilst you’re out of work. You need not be a technical whizz or a digital maestro either, as selling on large e-commerce sites is pretty straightforward.

Set up an account, take some photos of the items you want to sell, then list them on sites like eBay and let the cash roll in!

If you don’t have any items to sell, try visiting local charity shops or car boot sales and purchasing some bargain items. You can sell these for more on auction sites like eBay! It can be a fun, rewarding and easy way to generate an income whilst you’re looking for work.

Before you take the plunge, research what sells well online and how much profit is in different items. If, for example, second-hand designer clothes and accessories tend to sell for substantial price tags, you’ll know what to look out for as you browse the car boot sales on a Sunday morning.

Find out more about making money selling online.


Have a car boot sale

Car boot sale
If selling online doesn’t tickle your fancy, you could always join the sellers who congregate at car boot sales across the country in the early hours of a Saturday or Sunday morning.

Get up in the attic, dust down those trinkets that haven’t seen the light of day in years, and display them with pride at a forthcoming car boot sale. You never know what you’ll find! The money you generate from items that were gathering dust at home could be enough to take care of your groceries for the whole month.

Read our whole article about car boot sales here.


Rent things out

Room for rent sign
You might not have a property portfolio to enjoy the lifestyle of a landlord with multiple properties, but you might be sitting on something that will generate some revenue in rent. A spare room, for example, in your home could potentially be turned into a monthly source of income.

Though it’s not just property that you can rent out – the more creative you are with prospective items to rent, the better. You may have read about the lady who turned her designer handbag addiction into a lucrative business. She rented her Prada, Burberry and the rest of her £40,000 designer handbag collection to punters keen to be seen with a designer handbag by their side for a night!

There really are all kinds of things you can rent out including your driveway, your home as a film set and many more things.


Participate in surveys

Online Survey
It is possible to make money, or at the very least earn vouchers, completing online surveys. The trick of getting decent rewards is knowing where to go.

One of the best survey sites that offer cash incentives is Crowdology, which pays hard cash via PayPal as soon as you reach the £4 withdrawal threshold. Also good are LifePoints, which has an abundance of surveys and enables participants to withdraw funds when their balance reaches £3, and Inbox Pounds, which pays £1 just for signing up.

Ever wanted to have your say on products BEFORE they hit the market? By completing Pinecone Research’s online studies, your opinions will directly influence tomorrow’s products today, and you get rewarded.

Read our full article about online surveys here. 


Be a mystery shopper

Mystery Shopper
Being unemployed and a self-confessed shopaholic doesn’t bode too well, unless you’re a mystery shopper! We’ve all heard of the term ‘mystery shoppers’, but is there really any money to be made through disguising yourself as a shopper and ghosting round supermarkets and department stores?

Many of the big UK retailers, including John Lewis and the Post Office, use mystery shoppers in their stores for purposes related to aspects such as identifying training issues or determining staff bonuses.

According to Market Force, frequent mystery shoppers can make as much as £2,000 per year – not bad while you’re looking for a ‘real’ job!

Find out more about becoming a mystery shopper here. 


Be a human guinea pig

Docotor giving young woman medication
If spending hours upon hours in busy stores and supermarkets doesn’t fill you with enthusiasm, you could always put your body forward to be involved in medical research. Clinical trials pay well. Your current health, age, location and other factors will affect your eligibility. However, you don’t always need to be in perfect health! Some studies and trials look for people with specific conditions like asthma and diabetes.

Find out more about how you could make money taking part in paid clinical trials. 


Give blood

Man giving blood
Again, depending on your age, location and health, you may be able to earn some money by giving blood. Some plasma banks offer a fixed rate per pint of blood.

Discover more ways you can make money with your body.


Start your own blog

Woman sat on the sofa by a gas fire
The internet is awash with blogs devoted to all kinds of topics. Most don’t make any money, some make a pittance, others drawn in a lucrative regular income. Take the ultra-popular genre of fashion blogs as an example. Research suggests that a typical fashion blogger earns £1,116 a year. Whilst not a liveable amount, making over a grand a year from blogging could certainly be useful, especially when you’re unemployed.

Earn extra pennies through something you’re passionate or have buckets of knowledge about. Set up a blog to generate revenue from getting sponsored posts on the blog, or from affiliate marketing, sales and commission.

Find out more about making money blogging here.


Walk dogs

Beagle on lead
Why not turn your love for dogs into hard cash? As many dog owners simply don’t have the time to take their furry friends on walks during the day, money is there to be made by walking dogs. Get exercise, make cash, spend time with dogs – what’s not to like?!

Find out more about making money dog walking here. 


How earning money might affect unemployment benefits

Earning any kind of income may affect any unemployment benefits you might be receiving and should be taken into consideration.

Permitted Work

Mother holding baby working at a desk

For example, whilst claiming Employment and Support Allowance you may be allowed to do some limited work, which is known as ‘Permitted Work.’ Permitted Work is geared towards enabling claimants to maybe gain new skills and test your own capacity for certain types of work.

Talk to your Job Centre for more advice about permitted work.

Job Seeker’s Allowance

Job Centre Plus Sign
Job Seeker’s Allowance is available for those who are available to work but currently work on average less than 16 hours per week. You’re paid through the Universal Credit system. The amount you get depends on whether you work at all or have other income from pensions or investments.

To be eligible for Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance, you must work less than 16 hours per week on average. If you have a partner, they must work less than 24 hours per week on average. You mustn’t have savings over £16,000. Any savings over £6,000 will affect how much JSA you’ll get. If you own a property you don’t live in, you won’t be eligible for benefits.

Visit the Government website to see how any money you earn whilst you are unemployed my affect the benefits you might be receiving.

Registering as self-employed

Home Office

When earning an income independently, it is important that you register with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) as self-employed. You will then need to fill out an annual self-assessment form each year. This determines how much tax and national insurance contributions you may owe. The current threshold that you can earn and not pay any tax on is £12,500 per year.

When trading or making an income from property, you are permitted a tax-free allowance of £1,000 per year.

For more information about working for yourself and registering for self-employment visit the website.

The post How to make money when you’re unemployed appeared first on MoneyMagpie.
