Tuesday 31 January 2023

Six financial changes coming in February

Reading Time: 3 mins

Six financial changes happening in February.

We have reached the finish line – the seemingly longest month on record has finally ended. January is no more! 

However, as we head into February, there are a few events and changes you may need to be aware of. These could impact your finances and the wider economy. It’s good to stay up to date to ensure you don’t face any nasty shocks during the coming weeks. 

Here are six financial changes happening in February. 


Energy price cap announcement

At the end of February, energy regulator Ofgem will announce the new energy price cap. This will be announced on February 27th, and will apply between April and June of this year. Although nothing is yet confirmed, Ofgem’s Chief Executive Jonathan Brearley has suggested the price cap may drop below £3,000. 

If the energy cap does fall below this amount, customers would only save a small amount of money due to the current energy price guarantee set by the Government. Although the price cap will be below £3,000 annually for the average household, your energy bills will ultimately depend on your usage. 

Water bill rises

Nothing has been confirmed as of yet, however in 2022, Water UK announced how much water bills could rise this month. Of course, the amount your bill will rise by (or reduce by, in some areas!), will depend on your geographical location, how much you currently pay and your usage. 

Different locations across the UK are under different water companies, with each company responsible for setting bill prices in their area. 

Passport renewal fees

From the beginning of February, passport renewal fees are going to increase – by a whopping 9%! The Home Office has said new fees will help the system meet its costs through those who use it. 

 From Thursday, 2nd February 2023, it will now cost £82.50 to renew an adult’s passport, up from £75.50. The cost of a new passport for a child will also increase by just under a fiver to £53.50.  

Applying for a new passport via the Post Office will also increase in price. An adult will now be shelling out £93, an £8 increase from the previous £85. Children’s passport applications will also rise from £58.50 to £64. 

In terms of overseas standard paper applications, the cost for adults will increase from £95.50 to £104.50. Applications for children will also increase, from £65.50 to £71.50. 

Bank of England’s quarterly meeting

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meets every quarter to decide if interest rates should increase. The next meeting will take place in just two days’ time, on February 2nd.  

If interest rates should increase again, the cost of borrowing will become more expensive. This includes loans, credit cards and mortgage repayments even more costly. 

This could be good news, however, for those with savings. Savings rates will get a boost as banks continue to offer the highest interest rates seen in years. 

Changes to Universal Credit

If you are in receipt of Universal Credit, an important change is being put into place. Around 120,000 people on UC will be impacted as a result of this, so make sure to take note! 

The Administrative Earnings Threshold (AET) is increasing. This means people have to earn more to be exempt from the requirements of looking for or preparing for work. 

Previously, households on UC had to earn the equivalent of 12 hours pay a week (at the National Living Wage). This meant they did not have to meet certain requirements, including looking for work.  

Now, the threshold has increased from 12 hours to 15 hours, meaning 120,000 more people will be pushed into earning more in order to be exempt from requirements. 

Household support

The final of the financial changes happening this month is the deadline for the Household Support Fund. The Household Support Fund was launched in October 2022 in order to help the most vulnerable of Brits through the cost-of-living crisis, especially during the winter months. 

Struggling households are eligible for extra financial support through the scheme, however, some deadlines are approaching, with eligible households encouraged to act fast. 

Each council has a different deadline, so make sure to contact your local authority if you are unsure. However, all councils have until March 31st 2023 to give out this financial support.  

The post Six financial changes coming in February appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Monday 30 January 2023

10 fun ways to make quick cash

Reading Time: 9 mins

10 fun ways to make quick cash 

January feels like the longest month of the year for a multitude of reasons. Not only is it cold, dark and gloomy, but the weeks between pay checks seem to last a lifetime. Plus, many of us are still trying to recover from the financial blow of Christmas and New Year. 

Luckily for you, here at MoneyMagpie we have hundreds of ways to make money. From ways to make money from your shed, to selling unwanted items, there are plenty of ways to get some extra cash in your pockets. 

In this article, we have compiled some of our favourite, fast ways to make money. Here are 10 ways to make quick cash. 


Sell clothes online

quick cash sell clothes

Is it time you had a good clear out? Why not bring the spring cleaning forward a few months and have a wardrobe sort out? Clearing your wardrobe out can not only help you identify items of clothing you haven’t worn in a long time, but it can make you some good money. 

Buying second hand clothing is gaining popularity. Not only do you get more for your money by buying pre-loved items, but more people are concerned about the environmental impact of fast fashion and want to reduce their environmental impact. 

Technology has bought with it plenty of great websites upon which you can sell your clothes. Depop, Vinted, eBay, Facebook Marketplace and many other sites allow you to sell your clothes. We recently spoke with Melissa Watts, a Yorkshire resident who makes an average of £100 per week selling items online. 

You can read her case study here. 

If you don’t have any of your own clothes to sell, however, all hope is not lost. You could start earning on the side by buying and selling second hand items for a profit. If you live somewhere with plenty of good charity shops, you may be able to make some quick cash doing this.  

Charity shops are a treasure trove of brilliant clothing items. People often have more money than sense, donating items they have never even worn, some brand new with tags, some worth a good whack of money. Selling charity shop clothing for a profit could be a lucrative income, or it could top up your income. 

Here’s our full guide on how to make money selling charity shop items for a profit. 


Online surveys

It’s no secret that we are huge fans of completing online surveys to make some quick cash. Now, we understand – some survey websites pay you pennies for lots of your time, and don’t seem worth it. Other sites time you out constantly, or kick you out mid survey, meaning you receive no reward. 

However, there are also some great websites out there, which reward your greatly for your time and opinions. We have an article which reviews many survey websites, giving our honest opinions on each. You can read this here. 

We all have opinions – so why not get paid for them? With the cost-of-living crisis in the forefront of all our minds, earning some extra cash from the comfort of your own home for giving your thoughts on a particular topic is a real winner. We highly recommend People for Research (PFR), who reward you for your valued opinions.  

The average incentive is £50 per hour, but can range up to £100 or more – it’s tax-free and won’t affect any benefits you claim, so just think of it as a nice bonus! Most incentives are paid via bank transfer, meaning you get paid directly into your bank account. 

PFR are currently recruiting people to take part in research regarding the cost of living. You can find out more here. 

If you are a student or have recently graduated, The Opinion Panel Community is a great place to start. If you are aged 13 to 30, your opinions are highly valued. You can earn up to £5 per survey and as much as £70 for longer online and in-person discussion groups. You can earn anywhere from 50 to 500 points (50p to £5) per survey. There are also some slightly different research opportunities available that pay up to £30 for a series of surveys! 

Find out more about The Opinion Panel Community here. 


Market research and focus groups

focus groups for quick cash

On a similar note to completing online surveys, undertaking market research and taking part in focus groups is another fun and easy way to bag yourself some quick cash.  

Market research involves the gathering, then analysing information on consumers. This helps businesses understand what products people want, who will buy them, and for what price.  

You could undertake the research yourself, helping different industries understand their customers. Or, you could help the businesses by completing surveys, questionnaires and interviews, giving your opinions about their products and services. 

Find out more about taking part in market research here. 

Focus groups are a method of conducting market research where companies gain insight into consumer opinions and behaviour through a planned discussion with a pre-selected diverse demographic.  

Focus groups can be online, in person and over the telephone. Sometimes you may be required to discuss a topic as a group, as a pair, or even individually with a researcher.  

They can pay decent money, too. Take Part In Research pays between £40 and £250 per session! 

You can find out more about taking part in focus groups here. 


Sell books, CDs, DVDs and more

As technology moves on, the need for DVDs, CDs, cassette tapes and more dwindles for many of us. For others, however, collecting these items is a hobby – a hobby which could make you money. 

There are plenty of ways to sell your items, with the internet providing a plethora of places to sell anything from old video games to vintage books.  

Is your home filled with unused ‘stuff’? Perhaps your book shelf is over flowing with books you haven’t touched in years. You may even have a cupboard full of old DVDs and videos, even though you no longer have any means of playing them. You may even keep video games that are no longer something you’d play in your spare time. 

If this sounds like you, why not have a clear out? You’d be surprised at how much money you could make. You could even sell old textbooks from your school or university days! 

Here are some useful links to get started: 




Do you enjoy playing music? Perhaps you and your friends get together to jam out from time to time. Well, you could easily make money from this.  

From the bustling streets of London to the city that never sleeps, buskers can earn decent cash for exposing their talents on the streets. In extremely busy areas, you could make £200 for a few hours of work.  

Busking is not just playing music, either. There are many ways to ‘busk’. Whether you sing, play music, can juggle, do gymnastics, are a talented acrobat or even a clown, there are loads of ways to make money. You could even be a ‘statue’! 

However, there are rules you need to follow when you start busking. You will need a busking licence and will need to know the laws. Find out more about making money busking here. 


Rent out your parking space

Having an off-street parking space is something that you might take for granted: being able to park your car off the road for no extra charge, safe and sound by your house. Yet it’s a highly-prized luxury that thousands upon thousands of people in the UK don’t have, being forced to pay daily or monthly charges for parking permits from their local council, or struggling to find somewhere to park their car when they’re out and about. 

But did you know, you can rent out your space to earn some extra cash? Last year in the UK, the total gross revenue from driveway rentals came to £27,279,631, with London-based renters making an average of £1,691 a year, and those outside London making £874 a year. 

It’s easy to do, you get paid quickly and you’ll be earning without having to do anything. This is a super easy way to make quick cash. Find out more here. 

If you don’t have a driveway, garage or parking space, you could also make money from your home. From renting out your home as a film set to making money from your shed, there are plenty of easy and fun ways to earn money. You can find loads of ways to do this here. 


Sell your laundry


Selling your underwear, socks, tights and shoes can be a lucrative money maker. Although it isn’t for everyone, there is a huge market out there, with people willing to pay big bucks for your laundry, both clean and dirty. 

People are willing to buy dirty underwear, socks, and even worn-out shoes. How much you make then is pretty much up to you although you have to bear in mind that for people to take your prices seriously, you have to consider what is reasonable with regard to your competition. The more you sell though, the more you can demand. 

Marketplace sites allow you to set your own prices and, despite charging a membership fee, most do not charge commission. The Kinky Boutique sells underwear from £12 to £250 while Sofia Gray sell knickers for up to £5,000! This can be a seriously high paying way to make quick cash!

It can all seem a little daunting, but don’t fear. You can read our full guides below. 


Mystery shopping

Mystery shopping is another way to make money that we absolutely love here at MoneyMagpie. In fact, we love it so much, we even wrote a whole eBook about it. You can download it for free here. 

Nowadays, all industry sectors employ mystery shoppers – retail, automotive, financial services, hospitality, property, call centres, public services, travel, and even the voluntary sector – so there’s a huge range of work available. 

Mystery shopping isn’t just about literal shopping. You may be asked to try out restaurants, stay at hotels, watch films or even phone a call centre to trial their customer service. Sometimes the cost of your food, stay or travel is re-imbursed, and sometimes you are paid extra on top! This is definitely a fun, different way to make quick cash.

Find out more about becoming a mystery shopper here. 


Dog walking

dog walking quick cash

There are three reasons dog walking is a great way to make money. One, you make money as just stated. Two, you can get out, get exercise and fresh air. Three, you get to hang out with dogs all day! If that’s not a serotonin boost, we don’t know what is. 

Particularly in cities, there’s a lot of demand for dog walking services, and it’s well paid too. More people than ever got a puppy in the first lockdown – but now many are back in the office and have less time to walk their pooch. 

Some people have even given up their day job to set up a full-time dog-walking business! Dog walking is becoming a very popular way to make money on the side in the UK and it’s not surprising. 

Some people charge £10 – £15 per dog that they walk, per hour they walk them! So, if you walk 4 dogs per day, twice a day, you could be making £120 a day. That’s £2,400 for four weeks work (assuming you only work Monday to Friday). 

So, if you are a dog lover and have a flexible schedule, why not try this out? 

Read our full guide here. 


Be an extra

You don’t have to be a super talented actor who graduated top of the class in drama school to be a film and TV extra.  

An extra is a ‘background artist’ – they’re the people you see milling around in all kinds of scenes on TV and film. You might be a WW2 soldier one day and a cafe customer the next! 

If you’re interested in film and TV, working as an extra can be a fascinating and exhilarating experience. Plus, it is incredibly flexible, and something that can be done around part-time jobs or studying. 

Productions will also aim for a diverse group of people. No matter your age, gender, race, or whether you have a disability – extra opportunities are there for everyone. 

However, it isn’t always glamorous. You often have to work for long hours, with early call times, and wrapping late. If you’re prepared for this, go along with a lot of patience and a can-do attitude it can be a great way to supplement your income! 

Check out how to become a film and TV extra here. 


Ask your money-making questions

The Magpie community is full of savvy money savers and makers – and now’s your chance to ask your burning questions!

The new MoneyMagpie Messageboard brings together the Magpie community, MoneyMagpie team, and vetted experts to make sure your essential money-making questions get answered.

Take a look here and register to post a new thread or reply.


Do you know of any other ways to make quick cash? Leave them in the comments below!

The post 10 fun ways to make quick cash appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Friday 27 January 2023

50 million nectar points up for grabs

Reading Time: 2 mins

Over 50 million Nectar points are up for grabs!

Today sees the launch of ‘The Big Points Bonanza’ by Nectar. Thousands of points prizes will be available for Sainsbury’s shoppers across the UK, with three ways to win! It’s the first of its kind event, giving savvy shoppers the chance to brush off their January blues and win big when they shop. 

Every day, from today (27th January) until 4th February, five lucky customers will win a whopping 10,000 Nectar points. Across the nine-day time period, 50 prize draw winners will win the equivalent of a year’s worth of Sainsbury’s shopping! These points will be equal to spending £5,000 at Sainsbury’s. 

You can win when you shop both in store and online. Plus, on the final day of this huge giveaway, every Nectar customer will have the chance to win up to 5,000 bonus points when they spend £20 or more in store at Sainsbury’s. 

Three ways to win


Nectar customers can enter a huge prize draw where 50 lucky shoppers will win 1 million Nectar points each, worth at least £5,000 – enough to cover a year’s worth of Sainsbury’s shopping! Customers simply need to enter at www.nectar.com/big-points-bonanza between 27th January to 4th February to be in with a chance of winning.  


Across the 9 days 45 Nectar customers will win a surprise 10,000 bonus points, worth up to £50, when they shop instore, via SmartShop or online and scan their Nectar card or app. From 27th January – 4thFebruary there will be 5 winners each day, which will see Nectar give away a total of 450,000 points altogether.  


All Nectar users shopping in Sainsbury’s supermarkets on Saturday 4th February will receive a printed coupon for bonus points, ranging from 50-5,000 points on offer. Customers just need to spend over £20 on their shop in store and swipe their Nectar card or scan their app before checking out. Nectar customers shopping with SmartShop in supermarkets will also receive a coupon.  

Sam Burston, Director of Nectar & Loyalty at Sainsbury’s, said: 

“As our customers look for more ways to save money, we want to be able to provide great value and exciting offers for them. We want to help them to get the most out of their shopping, which is why we’ve launched The Big Points Bonanza, a nine-day bonus points event where every customer can be a winner. We love giving shoppers the feeling of little wins and this giveaway is the perfect way to surprise and delight our Nectar customers this January.” 

Terms & Conditions

Please find T&Cs here.

The post 50 million nectar points up for grabs appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Thursday 26 January 2023

10 ideas for couples to make money together

Reading Time: 9 mins

Want to save up for a holiday, a big party, or even a major life goal like a house deposit? Making money as a couple can be a fun way to spend time together whilst working toward a mutual goal. We’ve compiled a few ideas for couples to make money together.

While many of these could also work for singles, sharing the experience with your chosen person adds an extra measure of fun – and you never know, it could end up being very lucrative!

Take a look and tell us which ones you’ve tried or will be trying.


1. Mystery shopping

Couple window shopping

If you can’t afford a night out or a hotel stay, mystery shopping could be a great money-making idea for you and your favourite person.

In most cases (not all) you won’t actually get paid, but will get to enjoy free meals in restaurants, stays in hotels, and drinks in bars.

Different mystery shopping companies will provide you with different assignments, depending on who their clients are. If you and your partner both sign-up to mystery shopping, you may get different assignments – which means double the freebies!

We can show you here how to get mystery shopping jobs and lots of freebies as a mystery shopper.


2. Make money tutoring

Young male tutor teaching young boy

If you and your partner share the same skills or passions, how about teaching them to others and charging for your services?

Do you play a musical instrument? Or speak another language? Perhaps your talent lies in writing or pottery?

Whatever your skill is, you can make money from it by tutoring people or groups and charging by the hour. And if two of you take on different students or even siblings, you can make double the cash.

One option could be to set up a small tutoring business, allowing you to work together on marketing and admin whilst taking on clients either separately or together.

Read our article to find out how to make as much as £80 an hour tutoring.


3. Make money renting

Business people holding model house and keys

Do you and your partner have a spare room? If you do, why not turn it into a money-spinner by renting it out?

Going for short-term lets means you choose who stays and for how long, or if you want a longer-term flat or housemate you can go down the route of offering longer tenancies. Whatever you choose, this is a really is a good way to make money quite literally on your doorstep.

You can advertise your room for free on Easyroommate, Spareroom or Gumtree, or pay an estate agent to take care of everything for youTake a look at our full article on renting out your room here.

Alternatively, if you’re in a desirable location why not consider renting out your space on Airbnb? Read our advice on renting to tourists here.

Keep in mind that if you like your privacy and can’t bear the idea of sharing your bathroom and/or kitchen with a stranger, this is probably not for you. However, there are many other ways to make money from renting without compromising on your privacy.


4. Make money setting up a B&B

Bed and breakfast tray

Do you fancy the ultimate work-from-home job? Are you living in a popular area? Enjoy meeting lots of new people?

If yes, you might consider running a B&B. It’s a long term money-making scheme for those who are willing to make a real commitment and you need to be very well-prepared before you go into it – but get it right and you could be onto a serious earner.

You could make anything from a few hundred to a few thousand quid a month, depending on where you live and how many rooms you have.

It might seem like the dream, but running a B&B is hard work. It’ll take a lot of effort initially to get things going, so do consider it fully before you make any decisions. Doing it as a team will make it much easier, though! Take a look at our article on how to run a B&B here.


5. House-swapping for a free holiday or house-sitting

Couples house swapping

If you’re a couple wanting to explore the country (or world) together, house-swapping might be the thing for you – it’s a great way to get a cheap holiday or sustain longer-term travelling, whilst keeping your accommodation comfortable.

The major selling point of house-swapping is that the person you’re swapping with could live anywhere in the world, so while they’re heading to your pad in London or Edinburgh or Slough you could be flying out to their home in Australia, France, Italy, or the US.

Learn how to have a house swap holiday here.

If you want to make money, you could try house-sitting with your partner instead.

It isn’t a big money-maker- the pay is minimal and the work’s unlikely to be regular – but it’s a good way to earn a bit of money on the side and possibly have some fun whilst you’re at it.

Not all house-sitting agencies pay, so for regular work register with a reputable agency like Trustedhousesitters

Learn more about making money house-sitting here.


6. Make money looking after pets

Couple with small Dog

If you’re an animal-loving couple, pet-sitting can be an easy and fun way to make money – especially if you aren’t in a position to have pets of your own.

Pet-sitters look after people’s animals while they’re away from home. You will probably have to visit the house a couple of times a day, typically for between 30 minutes to an hour at a time, so you and your partner can alternate on shifts.

Pet-sitters usually charge per pet, per hour, but weekly rates or discounts for multiple pets can be put in place. Rates tend to range from around £6 per visit up to £15. If you can organise to look after multiple pets at different addresses throughout the day, you could start to earn good money regularly.

By simply signing up to a pet-sitting website, you can advertise your services to thousands of pet-owners a month. If you’re in the UK, why not try Pawshake, DogBuddy, or Barking Mad?

With furry friends just waiting for some love and attention, this is probably one of the most fun ideas for couples to make money together.

Take a look at our full guide to making money from pet sitting here. 


7. Make money answering the phone

Mature man using mobile phone

Did you know you can make money answering phones?

You can – options include taking customer orders, forwarding calls to business lines or taking messages, or organising appointments. Think of this as similar to the work that a Virtual Assistant (VA) might undertake.

If you’re going to be at home all day and able to take calls, then you’re well suited – but if you have to be out and about a lot, it’s not going to work for you. You need to be there to answer the calls that your clients can’t.

As a couple you can take it in turns to answer the phone and even give each other shifts so one person can pop out while the other stays in.

There’s an issue if you have small children or a dog, as you’ll need absolute silence when answering calls or you may seem unprofessional.

This money-maker is particularly well suited to retried couples who have a lot of spare time and not many commitments.

Having said that, you may still have more flexibility than you would in most full-time receptionist jobs. When the phone isn’t ringing, you’ll have time to get on with household chores or other projects.

Click here or all the ins-and-outs of making money from answering phones.


8. Set up your own cleaning business

Couple cleaning kitchen together

Ever thought about becoming a cleaning double act?

People always need things cleaned and it can be a good way of making money in your spare time if you have flexible working hours or can give up weekends.

Setting up your own business as a cleaner can be a good extra revenue source, but with hard, high standards and a bit of luck you could see it become a full-time business.

You can both ask family and friends if they need a cleaner first. This way, you’ll both get a feel for the job and the standards people generally expect. (Spoiler alert: people usually have much higher standards of cleanliness if they are paying for it.) It will also help you with a recommendation or reference when you advertise to the public.

People tend to want their houses cleaned whilst they are working, so if you and your partner are available during office hours it will be handy and the most effective way to get lots of work. Consider cleaning offices as well as private homes.


9. Make money ironing

Woman ironing in the living room/lounge

Do you and your partner spend lots of time in front of the telly?

If yes, why not start an ironing business from the comfort of your own home.

With two of you a big load can be done in half the time, and it can be a good money-maker (remember you’ll need two ironing boards and two irons).

There’s an extremely high demand for efficient and quality ironing services, so you will need to be able to iron to a high standard and have the essentials: a good iron and ironing board. You might also want to consider how you’ll keep garments in good shape when they’re returned to the customer: maybe consider plastic or reusable suit bags to banish crumples.

Click here for more tips on how to make money by running an ironing business.


10. Collecting/making and selling

Couple searching for records to add to their collection

At MoneyMagpie we’ve come up with loads of things you can collect and later sell on at a profit.

Items that you can collect to make money include antiques, clothes, Disney DVDsvintage computers, comics, piggy banks, phones and loads more.

Whatever it is you want to collect, two people are definitely better than one when it comes to finding those rare collectibles that are hard to get hold of.

If collecting isn’t your thing but making or baking is, one partner can do all the handy work while the other markets and sells. One of you could be baking cakes or making jewellery, whilst the other is responsible for making sure the product reaches the right customers.


Bonus: Start a joint blog or youtube channel

Couple using laptop together

We don’t include this among our main suggestions of ideas for couples to make money together, because it could take a while for a blog or YouTube channel to be lucrative.

But nonetheless, if you and your partner are great story-tellers who live an interesting life, pursue an unusual hobby or travel a lot, why not start telling other people about it online?

The benefits of blogging or vlogging as a couple are endless, as each of you can take responsibility for different aspects of the content, cutting the time you spend updating it in half.

Elizabeth and Raj from Awesome Wave are a great example of a couple who are making a name for themselves as collaborative travel bloggers.

Jack Morris from DoYouTravel and Lauren Bullen from Gypsea Lust, on the other hand, each run their own hugely successful blogs, but still get to travel and pursue their photography/writing/exploring hobbies together. With millions of followers each, Morris and Bullen have been paid up to £7,000 per sponsored Instagram post, which just shows you what can happen if you’ve got an eye for visuals and the drive stick to it.

Not sure where to start setting up a blog? Read our article about how to make money blogging.


Ask your money-making questions

The Magpie community is full of savvy money savers and makers – and now’s your chance to ask your burning questions!

The new MoneyMagpie Messageboard brings together the Magpie community, MoneyMagpie team, and vetted experts to make sure your essential money-making questions get answered.

Take a look here and register to post a new thread or reply.

The post 10 ideas for couples to make money together appeared first on MoneyMagpie.


Wednesday 25 January 2023

Make Money from your Cat!

Reading Time: 5 mins

Make money from your cat. 



We’ve advertised many dream jobs on here, but this is one we know millions will scramble for as a side hustle: cat-sitting! We actually know quite a few people who do this, and it fits in around their jobs. 


Conversely, you may also need to have someone look after your cat while you’re at work or on holiday, and there are a good few cat guardian clubs out there such as Pawshake, Rover.com and Cat In A Flat. You may want to sign up to work for one of those businesses, or just to set yourself up as a cat-sitter. According to our recent research, you could earn up to £2350 a year. 

Angie Rance, based in London, has been a cat-sitter for a couple of years. Angie works with catinaflat.com but has also picked up a few people via word of mouth, and says she can make about £20 a day. If she has the time or is required to do this five times every week, that’s £100 a week, although she tends to make more like a couple of hundred a month due to her availability. 

Angie says, “Cat feeding for me has provided a wonderful supplementary income (which, after switching to being self-employed, is very helpful) but also a chance to meet neighbours, explore new bits of the neighbourhood…and best of all to hang out with friendly animals. 

It’s also great for making sure you go for a walk every day!” 

So there are several places to start there with your plans to become a cat-sitter. It can fit around your job and lifestyle, and you get to meet lots of wonderful felines! 



Help pet companies with market research 


Just like every other industry, pet-focused companies need to know as much as possible about their target market to deliver good products. 

Of course, since your cat’s ability to provide feedback is limited, you can step in and be their voice. An easy way of doing this is filling in paid online surveys focused specifically on cat products. 

The best way to go about this is to sign up for survey sites, such as Swagbucks, LifePoints and Nielsen Panel. The money isn’t enough to live on and it won’t provide you with a steady income, but paid surveys are a great way to make some cash with very little effort. You could make in excess of £50 a month without doing much at all. 

Read more about doing online surveys for cash. 


Make your cat Insta-famous! 

make money from your cat

If you have a cat – or cats – you probably have albums-worth of pictures or videos of them doing cute or funny things at home or when you’re out and about. 

People love cute cats, especially when they are doing something funny or memorable. Their demand for new pictures and videos online will never be satiated, so you might as well give the people what they want and get paid for it. 

While there is no cut-and-dry method for turning your cat into an internet celebrity, but here are some ideas that might help: 

  • Give your cat a memorable nickname, like the dear-departed Grumpy Cat 
  • Observe their behaviour and document them doing things they love. 
  • Create social media accounts dedicated to your cat. It might be good to focus only on Instagram or Facebook to start off with. 
  • Use hashtags to help broaden your audience. 
  • Take good quality photos and videos. 
  • Post regularly to create consistency. 
  • Focus on something original or specific about your cat. 

While you won’t get any money from your new endeavour initially, you could develop a following over time. Eventually your cat could hit the big time, and advertisers may pay you to show their products and services to your audience. 

In time you could be raking in the pounds. Grumpy Cat, for example, before his passing, earned over $100 million. Not too bad for a sour-puss! 

Another way to get your cat Insta-Famous is to jump onto trends. Search data can be used to determine how much interest is in a trend, which can be a factor in how profitable it is. 


Share your knowledge with others 

If you’ve had cats for a long time and enjoy reading articles and studies about their behaviour, breeds, etc. why not share your knowledge with others? They may find it useful and, in time, this could earn you some money. 

You can achieve this by setting up a blog and writing regular posts about interesting cat-related topics. As more and more people start reading your blog, you could approach cat product companies to partner with you. They could buy advertising on your site or sponsor some of your social media posts. 

In time, your blog could even lead you to an eBook or a full-blown book deal! 

Finally, you could offer to do talks at local events, schools and community organisations for a small fee.  Who knows, you might even get the chance to share your cat knowledge on world stages one day. 


Sell photos of your cat to stock photo galleries 


You can also make money by selling them to stock galleries and other online resources. Believe it or not, people really need these to help draw people to their articles, products or website with your adorable cat’s pictures. It’s a nice way to make some money from things you enjoy. 

While you probably won’t make buckets full of cash, it could provide you with a welcome little windfall every once in a while. And your fluffy friends will live on forever in the work of others. 

Read more about selling your photos online. 


Include other people’s cats in activities you’d do with yours 

make money from your cat

 Some pet owners love their animals but aren’t able to do these things for one reason or another. But they will pay someone else to do it for them. 

Cash in on this by offering your services as: 

  • Pet taxi service on days you’ll be taking your own cat to the parlour 
  • A pet-sitter (especially if your furry/feathery friend enjoys company) 

Read more about making money with other people’s pets. 


Bonus: Save money by entering cats into shows and competitions 


Finally, you will notice that many cat-related competitions don’t really offer prize money. However, in many cases, once you enter your little friend, you could be in the running to win pet food for a year or something similar. 

Many companies regularly run competitions like these, where all you have to do is simply upload a photo and to join. 

Remember to also keep an eye out for cat shows in your local area too if your furry one is particularly bonny! 


Discover more money-making tips 


Want to find more ways to make money? Fancy entering competitions for cash, vouchers, and more? 

The MoneyMagpie Messageboard is full of money-making and saving insights, plus there’s a whole forum just for free stuff! Take a look here. 


The post Make Money from your Cat! appeared first on MoneyMagpie.
